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Crown Houses

Aug 13, 2010
I did a search and so many pages/items came up that it was Waaay too much to read. I Know this has probably been suggested, but it NEEDS to be brought to the "front burner" again. I have a GM Necro with 2 houses and a Dorm. I have one Myth/? with a crown house (he's lvl 20). I messed him up and want to delete him. I don't care if I keep any of the housing items, but I don't want to have to pay KI 15k in crowns for the house again. That's basically petty larceny since I already paid for the house. All I want is to be able to transfer the house to another character on MY account. I don't want to sell it, I don't want to Transfer it to someone I know, I just want it IN my account w/o having to be pressured into buying another crown house. I could care less about the in-game gold houses (I'll just farm and buy another), but the crown houses should be tradeable amongst the characters on the same account, especially since I pay for a family account and buy crowns at least once every 2 months or so. EVERYONE should be able to move crown houses in-between characters on the same account, no matter how much money they spend on accounts or crowns. This needs to be addressed/rectified and modified.

Actually, after looking at what I have spent and done on my GM, I think ALL reagents/Treasure cards should be able to be shared between characters on an account. I don't use the treasure cards (except to make stuff with) so if I decide to delete a character, I should be able to keep everything I have purchased or worked hard to collect (reagents get purchased with crowns also).