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Create Icons for spells that are from gear slots vs deck

Apr 19, 2010
Not sure if anyone has ever brought this up but I know when farming with other wizards we have to call out whether a ward/trap/blade is from a specific gear slot so others don't cast those as they would not stack. Why not have a small icon or *something* to distinguish a item card from boots from a wand from pet etc?

Ex: Fireblade from pet could have a small piggle somewhere next to the buff when you put your cursor over the players name when in combat or some other icon on the card itself.

I think this would make it easier to understand what a player has on them and allow everyone else to cast their next spells accordingly.

That's all :)

Michelle Firesword

Oct 16, 2014
Players have been asking this for a while.

Really it's just enchants that need to be colour coded as they currently are all purple; everything else is already colour coded (item is same as regular spell, but item buffs have a higher percentage).

I took this screenshot last time someone asked, so here it is again.