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Crafting Armor

Dec 11, 2008
I just got through running all over the Spiral looking for regeants and an idea came to me. I think it would be very cool if we could buy armor that would increase our chances for finding reagents. With all the new armor in the crown shop lately, it would be great to have one that helped with finding more reagents in an area or maybe more multiple reagents in one bunch. I would definitely buy that armor, because I do a lot of crafting, but I get tired of looking for the stuff. What do you think? :D

Feb 14, 2009
harbinger3 wrote:
I just got through running all over the Spiral looking for regeants and an idea came to me. I think it would be very cool if we could buy armor that would increase our chances for finding reagents. With all the new armor in the crown shop lately, it would be great to have one that helped with finding more reagents in an area or maybe more multiple reagents in one bunch. I would definitely buy that armor, because I do a lot of crafting, but I get tired of looking for the stuff. What do you think? :D

i am currently stuck on getting my master artisan badge for my lvl 45 life. BUT you have to remember, this is a multiplayer game, not single, so this isnt possible. BUT multipling the number you get, and increase chance of finidng the rare harvest would again be great. I am stuck on the crimson book stand quest i have gotten 6/12 black pearls, so i made one already. No one is selling it in bazaar so i cant shortcut. And it takes 15 lotus to make 1 pearl, and 10 cat tails and 10 ore to make 1 black lotus. which means it takes 300 reagents to make 1 pearl whivh is around 9000 gold(about). so i would love a little boast for the ever so rare black pearl

Jul 30, 2009
If you check out the threads talking about scrap iron,diamonds, and pearls specifically, you'll find many hints to the best hunting locations located in them.

There are several really good drop locations for each of the specific rares/common regeants, and you can pretty much have your quota within 2 complete realm jumping revolutions since they've cut down on the number of crafted items. You also won't need to buy the black lotus making recipes, which also cuts down on your regeant hunting.

My characters get ALL their crafting quests done within a week just by knowing of 4 really good drop spots for all the regeants needed in a recipe, by teleporting to my hubby's characters in higher level worlds to gain the quests and farm for regeants in the higher worlds for those quests, and farming early in the morning/late at night when there's fewer people on-line.

Takes longer waiting on the cool downs then actually finding the regeants needed.