Gloria Krendel, a good friend of the woman said she died of a bad cold . She is either not very detailed or does not know what pnuemonia is. Or maybe it was a rare and deadly form of the cold that only appears in the spiral. And she was unfortunate enough to catch it.
seariously Sylvia, what happen, you sneeze so hard your nose came off? or did you literially cough up your lungs?
She also said they did everything to save her... from the common cold? Try pnuemonia...
And by dying do they mean barely breathing? Was she at a hospital in MB? Or somewhere in WC?
Maybe there was something gloria wasn't telling us? Maybe KI suggested we'd be too itty biddy to know what pnuemonia is. But then again... at first when i was playing my myth char, Cyrus Drake said getting a book on the wombus would be a " Mundane" task... Back then i didn't know mundane mean't easy or simple, you know, a cave man could do it.
EDIT: wow this sound stupid when I read it again ... guess i was tired when I posted.