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Combat and Wizardry Updates

May 26, 2009
I was talking to my cousin who is still playing wizard101 sometimes but not always because he has some negitive opinions about the game and we were discussing combat. He thinks that it's kinda lame that we have to take TURNS while battling monsters, and that we have a CLOSED SPACE for doing so. I have to agree with him. Maybe we could run freely in a the places like cyclops lane and stuff. And acually have combat instead of card playing. He also said that they're more like summoners thaen wizards. I agree with this. All we do is "summon creatures" maybe instead of healing with fairies and damaging with minotuars we could heal with life energy orbs and damage with myth zaps. Creating a more "wizard type combat senerio" for Wizard101. He also suggests having things called clans. Groups of wizards battleing and questing together. And not just like a virtual understanding between the wizars but an actual physical clan with there own titles. Adding these advancements would make wizard101 an awesome mmo but this might but be a lot to program and test so this is just a group of suggestions

Noah Adept Theurgist

please post ;)