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clothes ideas

Jun 27, 2010
Dear Wizard 101 and readers etc.,
I'm not a girly girl but a simple wizard. I'm a simple wizard who loves to draw. I ecspecially love to draw dresses. So i thought the Wizard 101 clothing system could use and upgrade. I understand you have the Marleybone dress and Royal pack in the crowns store. To tell you the truth, those aren't the best looking things in the world . Instead of more robes and armor, how about dresses? Dresses for each of the schools balance, life, myth, death, fire, ice, and storm. I suppose there could also be tuxedos or suits for boys. The dresses and suits could have the school symbols on them as well as school colors. They'd be worth gold NOT crowns . Trust me, I LOVE clothes with the symbols on them. A lot of other people probably do too.

Your regular lvl 26 balance student,
Allison DuneBlade