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chaos school

Jan 29, 2010
now ive been looking on the message boards and ive found something entriging.
many people are asking bout adding a new school, one called chaos.
this school would supposedly be a space themed one, with asteroids and supernovas ect.
i would like to hear your views on it, i already have an idea for a card. called dimesion gate. were it summons a black hole. which removes all boosts from anemy. back to the important bit, this school sounds good in my point of veiw. but what do you guys think, and do you have any ideas for cards to go in that set if you like the idea? :D

May 24, 2009
Sorry to tell you but the idea of the "Black Hole" card sounds familiar to another card, earthquake. I am sure many myth wizards would be mad at this card :p, just saying.

May 15, 2009
A chaos school? while supernovas would not be in it ( balance spell)
chaos means unbalanced you know hectic pandemonium so to speak

this would require a lot of time to create but it is plausible

first spell is a basic wand attack
it could be an orange glowing energy orb that pulses in and out then bursting to cause damage

the master spell ( lvl 50 i think)
could show a demon encased by magic then freeing itself and attacking all players deal a major 900 damage
it would also place a +30 trap on all it hit.

though its really up to kings isles

Dec 24, 2008
Thechaosmagician wrote:
A chaos school? while supernovas would not be in it ( balance spell)
chaos means unbalanced you know hectic pandemonium so to speak

this would require a lot of time to create but it is plausible

first spell is a basic wand attack
it could be an orange glowing energy orb that pulses in and out then bursting to cause damage

the master spell ( lvl 50 i think)
could show a demon encased by magic then freeing itself and attacking all players deal a major 900 damage
it would also place a +30 trap on all it hit.

though its really up to kings isles
this all ignores the setting of the medieval agejavascript:emoticon(':x');

Feb 16, 2009
Ok. I've asked this to a lot of peopl who make up new schools: What group will it go in? There are two groups, Spiritual and Elemantal. Then there's Balance in the middle. So what group would Chaos go in? If they make a new schools they would have to make up a whole new group. I've heard rumors that there would be a new group called the Astral group. The three schools Sun, Moon, and Stars. I'm not saying I hate that idea. It's actually pretty creative. It's just that one question that gets everyone: What group?

Rya MistCaster: Grandmaster Pyromancer

Feb 14, 2009
I agree with the school of Chaos. Here's a cool thing to notice: remember how Balance uses the elemants of Storm,Ice,and Fire? I think the school of Chaos should be like that, But...
it uses the Schools of Myth, Death, and Life! The school should be all about stealing buffs off their opponents, and getting half the percentage of defensive/offensive/accurative buffs! :D Those from the Chaos school should be arogant, never seeing equility in things (the opposite of the Balance school, witch should be the opposite school of Chaos.) Fameous people (Wizard Creator tells you fameous people from the school you pick) should be Eris, the greek god of Chaos, Ivan the Terrible, and Napolion, the french emporor and general.The gemstone should be garnet, and the school colors should be silver and black. Kingsisle, PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And another thing: the symbol of the Chaos School should maby be a golden apple, because Eris (the greek god of Chaos, as i have told you) caused a lot of Chaos useing a golden apple.

Jan 29, 2010
ok, people
i DIDNT make up the idea
i saw it on a post and thaught it was creative
plus surely chaos would rival balance, thin line between chaos and balance you know that kinda thing