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Change the crown amount for gold?

Jan 09, 2009
Well the way i see it... we have stuff in the crown shop that is able to be bought with gold. yet when this is possible its the same amount on price except its multiplied by 10. now 800 crowns for 1000 gold?? 5000 crowns = 10 dollars. i mean crowns are mostly only purchasable. unless you get people that joined through your friend code.

800 crowns for 1000 gold.
5000 crowns mount for 50000 gold.
50000 gold = somewhere around 25000-40000 crowns (if i'm calculating correctly)
5000 crowns = 10 dollars in money.

I mean everything good or useful is being crowned. It's making the game lack in enjoyment.
if the price wont lower for the crown items, can you at least make the crown to gold transfers more reasonable?