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Oct 12, 2008
Here is my idea for celestia outline.

In the background clear windows showing squids and fish swimming by,

This next part is from my blog

Ok so here is my theory from the pictures.

From the background of the characters you can see some kind of city stuff it on the right it looks like a house with a garage or that building that holds planes and stuff. In the background into the sea you see like a ship or submarine, so from that I think Celestia will be divided into different parts like most of the worlds but you will probably need a teleporter to get those things. In the background from the characters there is some kind of cone that has a blue wire connected to some kind of dome thing. So I am saying it uses hydropower as electricity and maybe some quest will have to do with that and stuff. It will be odd cause it looks like an electrical city but the characters have roman stuff. There will be humans :) Plants will be water plants(Right of where it says Celestia is pink things).