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Castle Tours Suggestion

Mar 19, 2017
Whenever I'm browsing through castles in Castle Tours I frequently get stuck on housing items so I can't move. Then the only way I can get unstuck is to leave the castle. This is really frustrating, cause it means I can't continue exploring the castle and I don't get to rate it. Even on my castle, which I tried really hard to make sure people couldn't get stuck, there are still places where you can, it's unavoidable. Also, what if you're viewing a castle and you have to leave? There's no way to go back to the castle you were just viewing, so you can't see the rest of it and you can't rate it.
There needs to be a way to go back to the castle you were just viewing, in case you get stuck or have to leave. My suggestion is to make another button on the first menu page of Castle Tours, that says "Previous Castle" or something like that, so that you can go back to the last castle you just were at.

Dec 22, 2008
Wan King Over 9000 on Jan 9, 2020 wrote:
Whenever I'm browsing through castles in Castle Tours I frequently get stuck on housing items so I can't move. Then the only way I can get unstuck is to leave the castle. This is really frustrating, cause it means I can't continue exploring the castle and I don't get to rate it. Even on my castle, which I tried really hard to make sure people couldn't get stuck, there are still places where you can, it's unavoidable. Also, what if you're viewing a castle and you have to leave? There's no way to go back to the castle you were just viewing, so you can't see the rest of it and you can't rate it.
There needs to be a way to go back to the castle you were just viewing, in case you get stuck or have to leave. My suggestion is to make another button on the first menu page of Castle Tours, that says "Previous Castle" or something like that, so that you can go back to the last castle you just were at.
When my brother and I played Disney infinity, there was a button you could press that said reset player and it would basically respawn you to your current position. It was really helpful in case we ever got stuck. It would also like reset all enemies and special effects in that area. If this is someone else’s house of course, you couldn’t reset their cancel magic, but it could just respawn you where you currently are for you to move you away a couple feet so that way you don’t get stuck.