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Can we have some card colors?

Apr 11, 2010
Before I begin, I think it would be important to bring to light what this thread is not intended to be about:

I am not suggesting that the colors of the cards will have any affect on the specific element or stats of that card. That is what mutate cards are for.

Now on to what I do want to ask about:

So there are only six schools, and more or less we use the same cards and see the same animations over and over from the same monsters. While they are indeed nice, well most of them anyway, why don't we have an option to edit the colors of our monster spells? So they can sort of stand out a little more. Why does every cyclops a myth student use have to be the same color? Why can't I have a red skinned cyclops with a big black stone mallet with a purple eye?

I think it would be nice if we could edit the colors of some of our deck spells. Not treasure cards of any kind, just our normal every day basic monster spells. Just so that they can stand out from the other students of the same school of some sort?

I want a minotaur with bright green horns, white skin and black fur.

Or a bright blue troll with a white club. Things like that. I even thought of how it may work, now I'm not a programmer of any kind but just tease this thought for a bit:

When you go to a deck shop, there is a character selling deck colors. In the menu, you will drop a monster spell (obviously it has to be a monster and cannot be something like earthquake which has no character in it) and on the screen next to the monster is a list of color layers like color 1, color 2, etc.

And you can pick from there:

So if I'm a storm student and pick out my storm bats, I can say, the inner flap of wings which would be color 1, I change from yellow to white, and the color 2, being the primary fur color, I would change from purple to black.

How does that sound?

We can change the color of our clothes, why not the color of our monsters?

And I'm talking about permanent color changes until we turn them back to default in a card shop. Not a color change that would make the card a treasure card.

Feb 22, 2010
CorbinW wrote:
Before I begin, I think it would be important to bring to light what this thread is not intended to be about:

I am not suggesting that the colors of the cards will have any affect on the specific element or stats of that card. That is what mutate cards are for.

Now on to what I do want to ask about:

So there are only six schools, and more or less we use the same cards and see the same animations over and over from the same monsters. While they are indeed nice, well most of them anyway, why don't we have an option to edit the colors of our monster spells? So they can sort of stand out a little more. Why does every cyclops a myth student use have to be the same color? Why can't I have a red skinned cyclops with a big black stone mallet with a purple eye?

I think it would be nice if we could edit the colors of some of our deck spells. Not treasure cards of any kind, just our normal every day basic monster spells. Just so that they can stand out from the other students of the same school of some sort?

I want a minotaur with bright green horns, white skin and black fur.

Or a bright blue troll with a white club. Things like that. I even thought of how it may work, now I'm not a programmer of any kind but just tease this thought for a bit:

When you go to a deck shop, there is a character selling deck colors. In the menu, you will drop a monster spell (obviously it has to be a monster and cannot be something like earthquake which has no character in it) and on the screen next to the monster is a list of color layers like color 1, color 2, etc.

And you can pick from there

So if I'm a storm student and pick out my storm bats, I can say, the inner flap of wings which would be color 1, I change from yellow to white, and the color 2, being the primary fur color, I would change from purple to black.

How does that sound?

We can change the color of our clothes, why not the color of our monsters?

And I'm talking about permanent color changes until we turn them back to default in a card shop. Not a color change that would make the card a treasure card.

Great idea, but one problem. there are spells that are the same thing, but with different colors. For example: Black Cat = black Fire Cat, Frost beetle = blue scarab (i think), etc.