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Buffs for completing a secondary school?

Mar 28, 2019
I keep getting told my school choices are bad, that theyll never get me anywhere, that I should just do the same tired strategies that literally everyone else does. Clearly something needs to be done about this. So, I'm gonna throw some ideas around.

1) A Quest Spell Tutor in the late game
I know the big thing about quest spells is that they are exclusive to that school, and i'm not even trying to take that away in a meaningful amount. How about in a late game world, there exists a tutor. This tutor will only teach you a small handful of the quest spells, and only if you already have the final spell that school teaches.

2) Mastery Amulets allow you to equip other schools' gear
Yet another simple one Mastery amulets kinda have quite a few problems over later, better amulets, such as no spells, no gem slots, etc. So allowing them to give you out-of-class gear seems like a no brainer.

3) Just expand the spell lists for each school a bit
This one's deceptively simple, as it would take at least 7 new spells, most likely 14, 21, or even 28. But give each school some fun new spells that anyone interested can learn. Perhaps give them a wider gap. Perhaps a new one every 20 levels or so? But make them really, really good and versatile.

4) Just nerf feint
It's clear feint is one of the problem children here, given it's so overpowered that people say if you dont go down death until you get it, youre playing the whole game wrong. If feint got a nerf (or at least, a nerf for those outside of the death school, wink wink nudge nudge), other schools would have an iota of a chance to see play.

5) Alternatively, give every school a feint-like spell
At this point, you can tell im grasping at strings here, I just want any way to not be told I'm playing the game wrong for trying to enjoy myself.

6) Also, buff Moon. That is all.

May 21, 2011
I made a thread on central regarding the status of secondary schools and since I can resonate with your points, I think you mind find some insight as well. Feel free if you want to check it out, I got some helpful comments from around the community and little to no hate on my opinions.

Dual School Wizards - ✯

Regarding each of your points, here are my thoughts and opinions:

1) Love this idea. Allowing some more versatility, but also ensure not too many spells from each school are available to end up mashing up all the schools into one wizard.

Non-death and non-life wizards can learn the 7 pip spells of each school at level 100 except for scarecrow and rebirth, instead bone dragon and forest lord are offered.

2) I think school gear should remain separate, but make more effective crafted gear with dual stats to accommodate such builds. For example, keep your life wizard a life wizard, but with fire school boosts instead of a life wizard with fire boosts instead of life boosts.

3) I agree. More low level utility spells are given to death at lower levels than a fire wizard. I suggest not too many as it may make the game confusing for newer players. Perhaps these can be simply optional, helpful spells but not game breaking.

4) I think feint is fine as it is. If people want to train it, let them. If they don't want to train it, don't demand it from them. If you don't carry it, usually someone will.

5) Feint is a spell unique to death as it takes a lot of setting for death for it to be effective. We see life get a life feint item card in the Professor's Hoard Pack. Feint is by no means mandatory, it simply makes higher damage possible. Easily replaceable with a blade and a trap.

6) Agreed 100% Buff Moon. It deserves some love life Sun and Star. Honestly they should make moon school overpowered in damage to make up for resist and last less rounds to really interest people into using it.

How about making moon school insta-god polymorph mode for about 4-6 rounds? Sounds like fun to me.

Your choices are not bad, they're simply different and people can't wrap their head around the fact that wizards don't have to be trained and hatched to perfection like pets.

- Noah SilverBlade

Jan 18, 2010
The opinions we stated on your previous thread were not meant to necessarily bash or demean your decisions.

If my case, I only wanted to provide a warning or heads up for what is to come as you progress within the spiral.

Now, your ideas are interesting; some a bit farfetched such as your idea on the mastery amulet.

From my understanding on NO. 2, you seem to be suggesting that new mastery amulets are introduced which will allow other wizards to wear other schools gear.
But, if this is the case, then what's the point of having different schools?
Also, this idea seems extremely one sighted as I notice that no regard is shown towards how this will affect PvP or the game in general.
Think about an ice gaining access and using storm's school only gear?
Incredible ridiculous.

Feint is as fine as it is. Again, we place emphasis on this spell because of it's ideal usage in battles; especially against those bosses with extremely high hit points.
As such, common traps may not be as effective than two different versions of feint used.

I'm not sure about each school having their own version of feint. Life already has something similar to this. But as you are probably aware, the spell is only available on a hat from the Professor's Hoard Pack and can only be used once per battle and is banned from PvP.
This is probably the game taking the necessary steps to ensure that spells like these are not overused or broken.

The school of is another story. Again, being one of the most useless schools within the game, the school seems to only entertain us and not be treated seriously.
Because the other astral schools are so much more useful; no one really has ever complained too much about this school since it really isn't used.

There's nothing wrong with being different.
However, it is important as well that you're cautious and apply techniques effectively.