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Buff Shadow Seraph

Aug 01, 2014
I believe anyone who owns/used the spell would agree with me. Compared to shrike or sentinel, the Shadow Seraph is an extremely disappointing spell. Here's what it does right now:

+25% outgoing heal
+25% incoming damage
+100 absorb on heals
(lose backlash from healing, gain backlash from shields, blades, traps, basically anything that isnt a heal)

It sounds okay on paper until you remember spells such as cycle of life and guiding light exist, cycle of life is also 25% outgoing and 10% increased death damage, which is a far superior choice compared to 25% incoming damage, and the 100 absorb barely helps at all.

I would propose the changes:
+40% outgoing heal (more then a guiding light but this costs a shadow pip)
+25% incoming damage (keeping its main weakness)
(one of the following below)
-places a reverse lord of the night trap on allies when healed (traps that increase the next incoming heal)
-250-400 absorb shield
-300-500 HoT (can be crit)

Tell me what you think