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Bring back the cheer in Unicorn way

Feb 03, 2012
I appreciate the updates put into wizard101 to make it better. However the current updates to Unicorn Way are disheartening. Unicorn Way was supposed to be the area that represented Life magic. It was cheery, lively and green with nature- even in the midst of an undead assault. Now, its more like nightside with dreary skies, eerie fog, and dead vines. The life has been sucked out of the liveliest places. As a game for everyone, Wizard101 needs to keep its upbeat happiness though the darkness. This is what I loved about the game, its ability to deliver that happy spark. I understand that darkness is the new common theme in video games, and many players are drawn to it. But gamers are also drawn to happy things too- it keeps the balance right? *wink*. I also know many players out there miss Ceren Nightchant's "Greetings Wizard" at the beginning of the game, and it became an iconic favorite for many starting out. People miss the old Lady Oriel too. I am trying to say I understand that changing and adapting is essential to the survival of game franchises. However Unicorn Way didn't have to change in this way in order to become better. Please bring back the Cheer in Unicorn Way.

Jan 27, 2013
In all honesty,
that "Greetings" was absolutely iconic. please keep that.

Feb 12, 2015
They took out calling our wizard by name, too! It's something I loved about the first Arc, please keep it!