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Bric a Brac

Sep 16, 2010
I have the Ever after Village. I think we should be able to have more items outside then inside on the plot. I already have the aloud 350. But it should be expanded based on the size of the outisde. 350 for inside is ok, but make outside bigger. Do that on all the houses. Some outsides on house can probably fit 500 or more, while inside would be 300. We are buying the bric a bracs anyway so don't limit us.

Also, why are gardening seeds considered apart of the count? The plots already take up that space. Make seeds extra.

May 19, 2009
darkangelz13 on Sep 6, 2019 wrote:
I have the Ever after Village. I think we should be able to have more items outside then inside on the plot. I already have the aloud 350. But it should be expanded based on the size of the outisde. 350 for inside is ok, but make outside bigger. Do that on all the houses. Some outsides on house can probably fit 500 or more, while inside would be 300. We are buying the bric a bracs anyway so don't limit us.

Also, why are gardening seeds considered apart of the count? The plots already take up that space. Make seeds extra.
Agree. But we need the increase item per house. I'm one dedicated to decorate my houses with big ideas that I need to swallow because the item limited. They make huge houses and limited per item., Let us our imagination float and not frustrated.