It is a farm land of air-breathing, land-walking, and english-speaking fish and other sea creatures. I got the idea last night, when reading Tom Sawyer. When you beat a certain optional world, i hope it is Apetec, (see post ) Merle Ambose calls you to his office. He tells you "Listen. This is very importent. There are, as you know, many villians are all around the spiral. One of the most dangerous are the most unknown. I am talking about Finjun Moe (I got the idea from the word fin, and the villian in Tom Sawyer, Injun Joe.) He is running around in the world of Finzouri. He must be stopped. Go there and talk to Tom Ahoyer." (Based on Tom Sawyer and Ahoy, a sailor term)
Tom says "Yep, Moe has been roaming this town for years. Talk to my Aunt, she disaprove of my stunts, but she wants Moe trapped."
Aunt Pelly (Based on Tom Sawyer's Aunt Polly and Peligan) says "Tom sent you? Well, go down this path to the Graveyard, and see Moe's damage.