hello here i am again! i am Elizabeth GoldenBlossom 32 ice and an ice spell called freze isn't working! i tried it on everything it hardly works it only has 70% working sometimes it workes and guess what? they don't pass they just go attacking me! ( or my friend) plz someone fix this iis driving me mad! ( like crazy )
-William BattleCaller 42 fire - Kayla AngleFlower 10 storm - John Night 50 death - Mackenzie LifeFlower 50 life - Austin ???? 23 myth - Hannah EarthFriend 31 life and thanks to my knowledge ... - Professer GreyRose( keep up the great work my ice teacher!) - can't believe i'n saying this but this better get Cyrus to like me a bit better thanks to you a little! bit i put you on this just to be nicer! - death assistent - and Kevin the ice tree! see ya around you guys only on Wizard101.com! ONLY!!!
I notice that freeze seems to dependent on if they have gone first or you are going first. It seems to work if they have already cast and you are going second. If you cast first and cast freeze then they are stunned, but recover in time to cast. It might be the other way around, I cant remember. I think this happens because of the addition of the stun shield that everyone gets after having a stun cast on them. This was added to prevent chain stunning in PvP I think. I feel they might want to raise the Accuracy percentage on Freeze since they added the Stun Shield fix.
I will test this out in the practice arena later, but I think it is right.
I think it is a glitch caused by a fix, but maybe it was intended to work that way.