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Alternative to TFC idea :)

Aug 03, 2014
I've noticed that TFCs are either now allowed on here or are slipping through moderation. I'm concerned this undermines the parental consents on chat restrictions of young or vulnerable players as it alters menu chat to text chat with the person added as a 'true friend'.

We like to use TFCs to add people more easily because we don't need to be online at the same time or in the exact same location/realm. However, because of the way it alters chat features for some players I would really appreciate it if KI would add a new Safe Connect Feature that allows connection without altering the chat level.

I know some places would still use TFCs but especially for the official forum I think it is very important we support parental decisions and having an alternative that allows connection without changing chat level would be a great feature

This would protect vulnerable players, support parental decisions, protect KI, and still allow players the ease of connecting in game. I'd like to know what KI and the community thinks about this idea, but ask that instead of only considering your personal position that you also consider it from the view of being a parent who doesn't play but has a young child who you have selected menu chat for, to keep them safe. What do you think?

Reference only, 2 links with TFCs:
TFC in May 2019
TFC in June 2019