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AFK Battle Mode

Aug 27, 2009
There's nothing more annoying than waiting for someone that's AFK in a battle. You have to sit there and wait for the timer to run down, just to end with them passing. Sooo me and my brother were thinking about it and we came up with an AFK mode. This would be a button that you would double click to toggle on/off so when you were choosing cards it automatically passed for you. I think this would be helpful during battles so you don't need to wait for other people that are AFK. I'd love to see this added to the game!!!

Nov 26, 2011
I agree, Kingsisle should add this!
-Jasmine FireBlade, level 86 pyromancer

Mar 07, 2011
I agree this would be a nice feature, but unless the person who goes AFK is a conscious human being, he or she isn't going to click the AFK button. Jumping into a battle and then going AFK is inappropriate and rude. I understand that sometimes real life might make you go afk briefly but my feeling is people who go afk in a battle are simply being rude and unconscious and could care less that they are making you wait each turn.

I think some wizards join a mob fight knowing others will do the battling and they will get the credit, so they do something else while you do the work.

Jul 28, 2011
I like this idea

It gets a little sickening after a while watching


until a pass

Oct 30, 2011
wizardrokz on Jun 21, 2013 wrote:
I like this idea

It gets a little sickening after a while watching


until a pass
It's very sickening

Jul 30, 2012
I like the idea. But i find when many players go afk they don't say anything. They're just gone! So why would these same people press an afk button if they don't even have the courtesy to say something?

Sep 17, 2011
Jan 29, 2013
I think that would be a great idea I hate waiting for that timer. And yes I understand that things come up and people have to be afk but it is rude and for some people I've noticed it as a habit and they magically show up at the end of battle

Dec 03, 2012
IgnisMage on Jun 21, 2013 wrote:
There's nothing more annoying than waiting for someone that's AFK in a battle. You have to sit there and wait for the timer to run down, just to end with them passing. Sooo me and my brother were thinking about it and we came up with an AFK mode. This would be a button that you would double click to toggle on/off so when you were choosing cards it automatically passed for you. I think this would be helpful during battles so you don't need to wait for other people that are AFK. I'd love to see this added to the game!!!
Like the idea, maybe it could say somewhere "so and so is away from keyboard" so others know. If all 4 do that, they lose all mana and are taken to jade palace.

Feb 16, 2010
i like that idea. but i never afk from a battle unless i ABSOLUTELY have to. and if i could tell them (dont have text chat) i would tell them a estimate of how long i would be gone depending on what i need to do. great idea but if they do they should put a time limit on it so they have a chance to turn it back on.

-jack skullbreeze master of fire

Feb 27, 2009
Molly the Balance ... on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
Like the idea, maybe it could say somewhere "so and so is away from keyboard" so others know. If all 4 do that, they lose all mana and are taken to jade palace.
Why would we be taken to Mooshu? That may not be the world we're in. We may be in Aquila and be taken to Mooshu. I wouldn't like that one tiny bit and free to play players would get some free access to Mooshu, Blaze Lifehammer's favorite place!

Dec 03, 2012
Sniper Rose on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
Why would we be taken to Mooshu? That may not be the world we're in. We may be in Aquila and be taken to Mooshu. I wouldn't like that one tiny bit and free to play players would get some free access to Mooshu, Blaze Lifehammer's favorite place!
I have no clue why is said that.

Feb 24, 2009
Jun 05, 2011
One good way to get around this, whether or not an AFK mode is implemented into the game, get a younger sibling who knows how to play the game and have them play for you while you're afk.

Mar 22, 2009
An excellent idea indeed. I can't STAND when people go afk in the middle of a boss fight, not only that but they get mad because they take forever and die from endless attacks and I dont heal them. Please kingsisle, you have to listen to this, we're the ones who play the game and most likely have better ideas for a "better and safer gameplay" or whatever your motto is.

Jun 07, 2011
I definitely live thus idea! I would use this because I have a dog I need to walk and he can't hold it in so I have to walk him and I thin its unfair that I make people wait on me.

- Jessica Spellblade level 38 Sorcerer

Feb 29, 2012
Molly the Balance ... on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
I have no clue why is said that.
I think what s/he meant was that it would make more sense if we were teleported to the hub of the world we were in.

Azteca: The Zocalo
Avalon: Caliburn
Zafaria: Baobab Crossroads
Celestia: Base Camp
Grizzleheim: Northguard
Wysteria: Pigswick Academy
Dragonspyre: The Basilica
Mooshu: Jade Palace Only wizards currently in Mooshu would be teleported to the Jade Palace. It would make more sense, as I gather that this would be somewhat like fleeing a duel. You're teleported to the safe areain the world that you are working on.
Marleybone: Regent's Square
Krokotopia: The Oasis
Wizard City: The Commons

As for an AFK button itself, I'm 50/50 on it. There are some who would actually have to go AFK and if so, hopefully they'd remember to click on the button before they left. However, sometimes people forget and don't do things. After that, they may not remember that they needed to press the AFK button. If ten minutes pass without them making a move they would automatically be logged out. That could present some problems to players who are questing with a group of two or more.

Nov 14, 2010
well thats not fair to the person afk it should be if they click it they don't get attacked or gain pips until turning it off and they automaticly pass

Jan 27, 2013
if you do not do any spells in a battle you do not get xp.

Jun 14, 2009
critical blizzard thats doing too much and i pulled 500 cheats out of that one idea, i like the original idea

Nov 14, 2010
the original idea would get people defeated so no one would use it

Nov 14, 2010
srsly so you have to go afk in a battle you turn auto pass on you get back and find your defeated and you think to yourself at least those other people didn't have to wait as long

Jun 14, 2012
that would be awesome if they added that!
i am julia watersword lvl 16

find me if you can!

Feb 06, 2010
That would definitely be a great addition to battles, I like it!

Dec 11, 2011
No one else sees the problem here? What if a group doesn't like someone and they vote them AFK. What if the group renders a person a bad player and votes them AFK? What if there is only one other person in the battle and just wants to solo and votes afk? I can keep going on.