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Adults being impolite to children

Dec 09, 2008
A few days ago, my young daughter was playing on my account. She made a friend request to another player, who turns out to be a grandmother. This lady was playing with another adult friend of hers, and my daughter asked her to be a friend. This other person said no a few times, and my child, I admit, kept pestering her. This other woman started going on about not wanting a "little kid" following her around, and she doesn't have time for kids. I was doing some things around the house, and my child said that someone was being rude to her. I then stepped in and looked at what was going on, and the conversation, and explained to my child that no means no, and not to bug people. I did apologize to the grandmother, who had no problem with a "child" being her friend. I also asked her to apologize to her other friend, who was not being very nice. Going on about "brats" playing on here an so forth. People, do you not realize that there are lots of kids on here? If you don't like kids, and can't handle playing in an RPG game with them, then don't play. If you are going to play, then please temper your bad attitude towards them. Most of the friend requests that I get are from kids who just want to have someone to help them. Be nice, this is a kids game. If I have a problem with someone "pestering" me, I will certainly try to explain to them nicely as I don't want to hurt a child's feelings. My daughter was almost crying because of what this person was saying.

Dec 22, 2008
I'm sorry you experienced drama here, hopefully your daughter can meet a few nice and accepting people and have some fun. There are positives and negatives with such a diverse game and that was unfortunately a negative.

Thank you for posting this. I think people need to be reminded that their actions in a virtual world influence other people's experiences, both positively, and sadly in this case, negatively.

I'm sorry your daughter had a bad experience, but please let her know that there are many wonderful and friendly people in Wizard City. For every meanie she meets there are hundreds of nice people. Don't let the meanies get to her.

I hope she has fun in Wizard101 and if she experiences these people again, please contact me directly at community@wizard101.com.

Thank you so much for being a part of the Wizard community, and for standing up and saying something.

~Professor Greyrose

Aug 04, 2008
I always love to get friend request. The only problem is when I am full and they don't understand, or they keep asking (Eventually booting me off). I wish there was a button to turn of friend request, and/or only allow someone to ask you once.

P.S- I'm not the grandmother :P

Dec 09, 2008
My girls both log in on our accounts, because we can't afford to set up that many. We're already paying for three, and with both girls, it would make five. Since they live with their dad (my ex-husband) and are only here every other weekend, I don't see paying for two more accounts that will only get used twice a month for two days each. My ex and his wife won't let them have a computer or internet, so the only time they get it is here. So, one plays on my account and one on my husband's. I did explain to my daughter that no means no. She's borderline ADHD, and sometimes she pushes things to the limit, and probably did bug that person one time too many. But that is no reason to start being hateful. One never knows who it could be, or who could be watching/reading. As I said, I did explain that no means no, and if she can't respect that then I will not allow her to play. I did get firm with my daughter, too, over the incident, because I don't want her bugging someone to distraction. I have had some people keep sending me friend requests repeatedly as well. I don't usually accept too many, as I have just two people that I play with, one is my husband (go figure) and the other is another adult family member that lives with us as well. Both people I know in real life (kind of hard not to, since we're all in the same house LOL!!!).

Sep 20, 2008
squeaky1 wrote:
A few days ago, my young daughter was playing on my account. She made a friend request to another player, who turns out to be a grandmother. This lady was playing with another adult friend of hers, and my daughter asked her to be a friend. This other person said no a few times, and my child, I admit, kept pestering her. This other woman started going on about not wanting a "little kid" following her around, and she doesn't have time for kids. I was doing some things around the house, and my child said that someone was being rude to her. I then stepped in and looked at what was going on, and the conversation, and explained to my child that no means no, and not to bug people. I did apologize to the grandmother, who had no problem with a "child" being her friend. I also asked her to apologize to her other friend, who was not being very nice. Going on about "brats" playing on here an so forth. People, do you not realize that there are lots of kids on here? If you don't like kids, and can't handle playing in an RPG game with them, then don't play. If you are going to play, then please temper your bad attitude towards them. Most of the friend requests that I get are from kids who just want to have someone to help them. Be nice, this is a kids game. If I have a problem with someone "pestering" me, I will certainly try to explain to them nicely as I don't want to hurt a child's feelings. My daughter was almost crying because of what this person was saying.

I believe if you follow someone or annoy someone and they report you you may get banned. But I am the youngest age on this. But of course I have a brother who teachs me stuff i should not know. Lol. But still. I have many friends. But One day this girl "Tabitha GhostTamer" very famous I believe was kissing a guy? She tells me I am a adult. I thought the game was men't for kids. I think grownups should go play world of warcraft instead of pushing around kids. It is disturbing to me. And it makes me sad. Not anyone who is mean. My friend Corwin is nice. But I think that the setenece " I am a adult " should be banned.

Dec 11, 2008
well i am a adult and i play this game with my little sister. she will not play it by her self. this game is meant for families to play either adult or child. and i saw a adult being rude to a child one day i immediately reported the person. listen adults. there are more kids in this game than adults. please stop pushing them around! we as adults must help them and be nice. simple as!

Community Leader
There's no need to be rude to someone pestering you with friend requests. If they don't know that 'no' means 'no', accept them as a friend, then press the ignore button. They will never trouble you again in any way.

Sep 08, 2008
Squeaky1, you sound like a very good parent.

I am fully aware that most games I play will have at least 50% of the population as little kids. I am a kid myself... simply older.. lol. (No, I do not think that is sad.)

I logged on the other day, and said "Hello my little fellows." The response? A boosted Meteor Strike whiping out all the enemies followed by "Who is littler now?"

It goes both ways. Parents need to teach their little kids ethics and a little "kindness." What does the informercial say about kindness? The one where the Prom Queen is someone you would normally not expect to be? Conversely, adults and "growns ups" need to treat kids with the same amount of respect. Anyway, you get the idea....

Remember parents... the ethics and behavior you teach your kids go for the rest of their lifes... a reason kids become annoying or foul-mouthed is through the behavior shown to them from other more open online games, and from their kid friends in school, whose parents do not concentrate on correcting "mean/bad" behavior.

I highly doubt "pestering" someone to be their friend is not just because they want to be annoying, but keep in mind... some kids will do that for the heck of it. Also, some ADULTS will even do it, just for the heck of it as well. It is because of that, that some adults will be "bitter" to the kids, and the kids end up wondering what it is that makes grown ups so mean.

This game is so clean, props to the wizard team, compared to other free-chatting online mmorpgs, that it prevents flaming, spamming, and offensive behavior almost 100%. But spamming a friend invite unfortunately is one of those little things that people will have to learn to put up with. Someone mentioned to simply let them join, and later remove them, and I am sure they wouldnt know the difference. Good idea, for I do the exact same thing. Or, just take that split second, and hit the "NO" button.

Eventually, even if spammed, people that do that will become bored, and move on. One thing I have been thinking of just recently... we are ALL kids.... the ONLY difference is learned knowledge; age.