I am a student of Death and I love my school. I also love the Scarecrow spell you get at level 48 but I think it should be slightly more powerful. I think the Scarecrow should take 500 life points from each enemy. That would make it as powerful an attack as Wraith with hitting every enemy being worth the extra pip.
that wouldnt be really fair cause wraith does 575 damage to one enemy and scarecrow does to all 400 dmage and half back health and if it did 500 damage it would be more powerful then dragon AND you would get health back.
It does less damage than wraith PRECISELY because it does damage to all enemies and not just one. Making it do as much or more would make a powerful spell even more powerful than it needs to be.
Look at the other class multi hit spells. What they lack in power they make up for by hitting all enemies thus doing a lot of damage. Especially if you add in the school blades, tri-blades, and balance or dragon blade. You would not really need any traps to make it be a heavy hitter.
that wouldnt be really fair cause wraith does 575 damage to one enemy and scarecrow does to all 400 dmage and half back health and if it did 500 damage it would be more powerful then dragon AND you would get health back.
actually dragon would still be stronger it is stronger then storm lord but most people dont realize it but its the strongest spell in the game that doesnt do Xpips
All the multi-foe attack spells do less than you would expect for the pips, bu, and a big but, is if you add the damage over all four foes, it is actually much higher total damage.