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Additional account protection, multi-factor authentication?

Nov 27, 2008
Having just freshly bought some more Crowns, I realized that Wizard101 (or KI in general) doesn't have any two-factor authentication or alternative protective measures available for any of their products.
Quite unusual I must say, considering its 2023 already.

It's actually quite scary to think that over a decade of my game progress and hundreds of dollars are all protected by one measly password..If there were to be a data breach of any sort, it would probably be lost.
And any "suspicious activity" is harshly punished, even if you yourself are innocent (it's always quite scary to contact the KI customer support, sorry to say )

I really think this game's systems should be updated in order to add a multi-factor authenticator, for extra security. And using the excuse that "this is a kid's game" won't quite measure up, as kids are Very tech savvy these days, one little authenticator on their smartphone wont be above their skillset. (Anything beyond arc 1 is probably mostly made up of adult players anyway).

Just some food for thought.. Security should be high priority, when money is involved.

Aug 21, 2015
Most 2-Step verifications are scams as usually companies do not know how to implement it properly. I would never use it if I had to enter additional personal information to have it enabled, most commonly your phone number. I will be disasspointed if Kingsisle requested any personal information as this is catered as a children's game.

If it is implemented, I hope it will be more a security question & answer situation. For example, you select question from pre-determined list. It could be "What is your favorite video game character?" The answer you gave will be required for you to enter whenever you make a purchase, change emails...etc. In addition, the answer to these questions is probably something only you would know.

If you are worried about the safety of your account, use a stronger password. Always be wary when entering personal legal data to games or other sites no matter how harmless they might look.

May 22, 2012
I'd like to see KI advising stronger more complex passwords. Use upper and lower case letters, numbers, other symbols as part of it.

never use words and phases, birthdates etc etc