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Add transportation emotes

Sep 13, 2016
Add some emotes that give you a speed boost forward, like a cat roll(somersault that like makes you go forward) would be really cool to just get to places faster and also have a cool emote, or a series of backflips where you do a 180 and then backflip really fast and stuff where not only is it emote, it also caries you forward. Or like a sword move where you point your arm out, jump in the air and charge forward, with like a cool affect, or just a simple dash. You could also have a short range teleport that just zaps you forward. You can make a lot of ideas for this but I just thought have short speed boosts to just get to places faster. Ik this is a turn based fighting game, so these things are not necessary, but I wanted a cool thing in the game so, yeah.

Dream NotFound