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Add a transformation-friendly mount

Mar 16, 2009
Transformations are a fun concept, letting you look like monsters from the Spiral. But one major drawback to them (aside from the one-hour timer; I'd love to see longer transformations) is that they won't show up while you're on a mount! You only see them if you're unmounted or in battle.

Adding an animation for every transformation for every mount in the game would understandably be way too much effort for such a small change. How about adding a new mount that you don't see at all? It would be like running normally, but with the 40% speed that most mounts have. And since it uses your regular running animation, you could just have transformations that use this mount use their own normal running animation that already exists in the game. That way, you can run as fast as everyone else while still using a transformation!

Also, please don't make it cost $15, that would be the epitome of ridiculousness.