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Dec 11, 2008
I'm a big fan of Abracadoodle, and I have a few questions about it...

1. Where did the idea for Abracadoodle come from? It sounds like somebody in the Wizard101 creators does comics or something, but still, i'd like to know. :-)

2. How do you draw the characters? They look so simple, and easy, but every time I try to draw one, they don't turn out very good. I think you should put an Abracadoodle drawing guide under Wizard Society or something.

3. How often are they released? I thought it was once a week for a while, but I'm not quite sure... I'm eagerly awaiting the next comic!!!

Thanks, and keep up the good doodle drawing! :-P 8)

May 03, 2009
I can only answer the first one...
The idea came from Wizards starting Wizard School at Ravenwood and their adventures in the Spiral.
But thats just what I think... So I hope that helps!

Blake Titanflame Level 13 (I'm always leveling up ) Necromancer/ Diviner