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Community Leader
I really like what I see in Abracadoodle, but I'm wondering, is there a set schedule for when installments go up? Or is it just sort of free form? The page itself doesn't say.

Also, thank you for breaking the archives into bite-sized pieces! That will really help readers as the series grows. However, I find it odd that the installment blocks read from right to left rather than from left to right. It's kind of clunky.

Sorry if I sound picky, but I can say from experience (I spent 6 years creating webcomics and three as a webcomic site editor) that it's the little things on a site that often make the biggest difference. ;)

Community Leader
Ok, I keep seeing that people have posted replies to this, but I'm not seeing the replies themselves.

Weird. :?

Nov 20, 2008
yea why not put it that a new abracadoodle comes out every monday or friday or any other day of the week

Nov 20, 2008
ArcanaJayne wrote:
Ok, I keep seeing that people have posted replies to this, but I'm not seeing the replies themselves.

Weird. :?

they didn't post they were just the last person who visit the post

Community Leader
warlockwizardmage wrote:

they didn't post they were just the last person who visit the post

D'oh! Now I feel a little silly. Thanks for letting me know!