A recommended awesome update that might get the game even more players
Let's make Ravenwood school of magical arts an even better example of a magic school: Maybe players can learn spells that are currently available to creatures only by studying for and getting awesome grades on tests related to the spells; for example: Before the Earth walker spell stopped being creatures only, players could get informed about a test, study for it; and write an assigned essay on a topic related to the spell like this:
In order for a new seed to form, pollen from the stamen of one flower must be carried to the pistil of another flower. In pollinating plants, a grain of pollen travels from one male portion of a plant specimen to the corresponding female portion, then it commonly finds its way to an entirely different plant to increase. The wind acts as a pollinator for seeds and grass; it blows the pollen to other plants typically in long distances. Attracting pollinating insects is the biggest reason why flowers have details like color, nectar, shapes, and smells; the most known pollinating insect is the honeybee, typically for its skill of gathering nectar from a flower, and placing pollen on another flower; and the pollen is collected by the pistol of that flower. Sometimes after a flower gets pollinated, the honeybee gets food; but not every type of plant can get pollinated by a honeybee; there are other insects too. The combination of male pollen and the female ovule inside the lowest part of the pistol is how fertilization happens, then the ovule becomes a seed; even though seeds are tiny, it contains multiple things: the process of one turning into a plant is called “Germination”; first, the seed grows roots; then after that phase finishes, a small plant will move out of the seed and burst through the soil which is typically when people say “the seed has sprouted”.
and if they get an A or B on it, they learn the spell without having to use training points. I think this update will make Ravenwood an even better example of a school, and get the game even more players by triggering parental enthusiasm (Moms and Dads might recommend Wizard101 to their sons and daughters after this recommended update happens, and they find out how educational it is).