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A list of schools for the Eighth school

Oct 14, 2008
Okay, I want another school badly because I like to learn, so here are some examples that we might like-

1. Astral (Makings of the Magical and Fascinating Spiral and Universe)
2. Astronamy (Study of the Stars and Moons and what you can make of them)
3. Potions (Expirement with potions and learn the Physics of Science)
4. Transformations or Transforgations (Learn to transform into an animal and fight with your certain Animal instead of a wizard, with magic or not)
5. Learning about Magical Creatures (Learn about creatures such as Centaurs or Phoenix's, maybe this school can go into a new Animal world?)
6. Writing (Learn certain symbols and languages from other worlds. Like Hieroglyphics from Krokotopia?)
7. History (Learn the interesting pasts of Wizard City or even other worlds!)
Well, thats all I got right now. Hope you like them and if you have more ideas, you can post! :D