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A housing idea

Feb 10, 2009
I don't know if people will like this idea but I hope they do. :)
My idea is sorta a win win thing, it is player owned and runned hotels. How does this work you ask.
You see say you own a huge house in the game and you are short on cash. Well how about you open up your own hotel in your house. Advertise through out the sprial's housing shops. When you open a hotel in the game how about you get acess to a special shop with hotel items that come at a small price. People come through out the sprial to your house to spend some time at your place, like to throw a party. In order to stay at your place/hotel people will have to pay a small fee in either gold or treasure cards.

I hope others like this idea and post with some of there ideas
thnx for listening,
Heather LegendHunter lvl 46 myth student