1. A way to add all wizards on an account to friends list at once.
2. More unique looking visuals for pet spells. Example would be death cyclops which looks like normal cyclops spell but is actually death type. Also life Minotaur pet spell looks like ordinary myth Minotaur but is in no way the same spell type. For the death cyclops just giving spell same stone skin as pet has would be nice and maybe a green toga for life Minotaur instead of standard blue just like the pet.
3. Just a thought but what about a pet cloner to create, an egg of any epic pet for set gold so you can try raising it with same exact genes. This way giving you a chance to raise again and maybe get the traits and/or talents you want this time round. This would avoid the random chance when hatching of losing the gene or genes you wanted to shoot for with pet said hatching would make.
Instead of 1, I'd like a temporary party friends list. Everytime you play in a group of people you typically want to add them as friends to make things easier. This doesn't mean you want to keep them as friends, just that you would like to add them for momentary playability. If your friend's list is full, then adding them to your list becomes difficult for you. A temporary friends list would therefore be kind of nice, you could easily clear it every time you were with a new group, essentially you would have a button to press that says clear your temporary friends list.