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a day at KI

May 15, 2009
Professor i will soon b out on a job hunt and i love Wizard101 a lot
can you tell me about ur jobs? like the requirements

Many young Wizards such as yourself seek information about what it takes to become a game designer. If you’re serious about exploring this industry, there are three schools that specialize in various aspects of video game development. Most companies, including our own, require employees to hold a degree, preferably in their field of employment, and some of the staff at KingsIsle come from these three schools.

Digipen: http://www.digipen.edu
FullSail: http://www.fullsail.edu/
GuildHall: http://guildhall.smu.edu/

Just keep writing down and refining your ideas, look for new ways to do something that currently exists, and continue to expand your knowledge of math, physics, geometry and history, all of which play a vital role in making and designing a video game.

Best of luck, young Wizard. I hope you will continue to enjoy your adventures in Wizard City and beyond, and keep creating!
