These are some ideas me and my friends have had about some of the updates that could be made i take no offense to any criticism. KingsIsle lend me your ears.
1. Sit Down Option: ok why sit down in a game when when you can sit down in real life cause it looks COOL!! and in the arena being able to sit in bleachers would be cool too break dance option would be also be a step forward.
2. I'm always getting hearing complaints about chain stun in ranked 4 vs 4 and 3 vs 3 could you fix that somehow? i don't know how maybe take out stun in ranked completly idk not game director.
3.DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL just a little bit for people who can go hi def would be nice.
4.More secret wizard city quest's it is the center of the universe isn't it Briskbreeze was cool a couple more challenges like that and people will come running back to the game maybe a quest in that library hallway with the moving books. you could probably fit some gigantic bosses in the depths of the library something like that would make kids think library secret library dungeon something to think about. ;)
5. DS Clothes with school symbols on it. yeah i noticed. :?
6.Hundreds of new swords Plus ones you can craft with weird special effects would be cool like balance when doing sword spell has 10% of leaving weakness on target or something and death like infection. :-o
7.My personal idea for a spell kind of like wild bolt called dealer where a ghoul dressed like a poker dealer rolls dice that does random damage like 300 to 1500 would be good you could call it death dice spell or death dealer.
8. One word....Costumes. Guitars, Baseball outfits, Glasses, Headphones, Auras, Maid outfits, Cowboy look ya know kid stuff.
9. Potion crafting like full hp and mp or 30% Damage potion something not for arena though.
10. fed up? or interested? ok just one more then and it's.........changing the motion you do when casting bosses have different ones why can't we? wouldn't it be cool to cast a spell but do like a baseball swing, a samurai sclice? or jamming on your wand like an electric guitar!!!
Awesome stuff Awesome stuff. yeah some of you may think hey not cool man all of those would be corny features in a game and well your entitled your own opinions guys. alright later. 8)
P.S. i'm the death in white fighting malistare in fan photos if you were wondering WHO IN THE WORLD IS THIS GUY???