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Why only six characters?

May 19, 2009
i had 2 characters one grandmaster ice and the other a lv30 storm and decided to make a character for every school but when i got down to my seventh and final one it didnt let me create it.
So i was wondering why is there 7 schools of magic and only a 6 character limit, i think its a little unfair that we cant play and expreince all 7 schools of magic without deleting one of other wizards

ICE: level 50
STORM: level 30
LIFE: level 6
DEATH: level 2
MYTH: level 2
BALANCE: level 6
FIRE: *no room*

Mar 07, 2009
you are write there should be room to be each school without deleting a player :-(
p.s. i'm anthonyfrostcloud level 20 ice wizard.

Jan 24, 2009
I agree that we should be able to experience every school and try every spell. With only six characters we cant do that.

May 28, 2009
Wow, you really missed out. Fire is the best. Although, considering that your primary is Ice, I guess I understand. I will probably choose Ice last as well. I agree that we should have just as many desks in our school house as there are schools of magic. Or KI could make it so that at least one student was standing at all times. "You six have a seat. You, up front!" lol.

Matthew DarkHand GrandMaster Pyromancer
...and Diesel too.

Dec 27, 2008
Zigmon wrote:
Wow, you really missed out. Fire is the best. Although, considering that your primary is Ice, I guess I understand. I will probably choose Ice last as well. I agree that we should have just as many desks in our school house as there are schools of magic. Or KI could make it so that at least one student was standing at all times. "You six have a seat. You, up front!" lol.

Matthew DarkHand GrandMaster Pyromancer
...and Diesel too.

there are seven desks in on my game (now) so I think seven would be great. I have already had to get rid of two or three wizards to change just because I want one from every school.

My wizards:
(in order of rank not to grant "favortism" lol)
Ice (my main) lvl 46 Angela Blueflame
Fire lvl 32 Scarlet Firewalker
Life lvl 31 Jasmine Lifebringer
Storm lvl 28 Iridian Stormtamer
Myth lvl 28 Destiny Dreamweaver
Death lvl 27 Alexis Dragonshade
I really wish I could have my balance back, but there isnt room.

Aug 02, 2008
iceshard316 wrote:
you are write there should be room to be each school without deleting a player :-(
p.s. i'm anthonyfrostcloud level 20 ice wizard.

Look a little harder way in the back of your charactor screen up in the far back top row, on the left and on the right are 2 more seats!
You can make up to 8 toons. But it might be that just subscription/crown players get these extra seats? although they are a bit hard to see.

Feb 14, 2009
SyphaN wrote:
iceshard316 wrote:
you are write there should be room to be each school without deleting a player :-(
p.s. i'm anthonyfrostcloud level 20 ice wizard.

Look a little harder way in the back of your charactor screen up in the far back top row, on the left and on the right are 2 more seats!
You can make up to 8 toons. But it might be that just subscription/crown players get these extra seats? although they are a bit hard to see.

funny, nopr only 6 maybe 8 for the admin. and not toons, wizards, toons is from toontown

Feb 14, 2009
anyways, there is only 6 because that way if you want all 7, soon to be 8 i hear(thats why people claim some people have 8 seats) anyways the reason is that you have to get 2 accounts

May 15, 2009
There are six seats, but seven spots since one character is always standing.

I would play longer if there were seven slots since I would play a seventh character; I could never delete a character after investing that much time into it.

Dec 11, 2008
The seats are on everyones page if you look close, but everyone gets 6 characters. Come on, KI knows if you really want to complete the game and play as that 7th character (and keep all of your other hard earned wizards), you'll shell out the cash for another acct. lol

As for Wizards - I have a Grandmaster Myth who I really liked, but now I am working on Ice (Level 25 right now) and am loving him. hard to say if I will seriously ever do 6 wizards, or even 3 for that matter, but you never know. If I skip a class it will probably be Storm. I love their spells, but fizzles drive me insane.

Jun 19, 2009
I would like seven characters, too, one for each School!

And I'm not about to intentionally delete anyone, since I have been buying crowns on the site, converting them into gold, and using that gold for each of my profiles. I have too much time invested in their development -- and real life money.

Also, I use the Shared Bank a lot, and redistribute everything I find according to School to everyone. And right now, I have a ton a Balance gear, just waiting for a seventh character slot to be commissioned.

I'd love to have a Balance guy (or gal), and see what special individual adventures he or she gets, since your Teacher, depending on who it is, gives you a unique assignment.

C'mon, KI, please, give us some more slots.

Hey, maybe even enough slots so that we could have a character from each school, both boy and girl? Well, maybe that's overkill.

I'd just be happy, with this request, if we could have a peep in each class, without having to destroy a previous profile.

Sep 25, 2008
I think it is more if you prefer warm or cold. If you prefer cold, don't make a fire wizard. If you prefer warm, don't make an ice wizard, just have it as your secondary school.

Mar 27, 2009
I agree, since I have a total of 8 seats, (2 in the backround) i really think there should be allowed 7 students per account, since it is only fair that way, i have every character except storm, i had a level 19 storm wizard but, deleted him cause i wanted a balance wizard, i really want my storm back but i aslo want my other Characters to, Please Kings Island, let us have a total of 7 students cause we all wish to have all of the classes to work on.

My characters by order i created them
Steven SoulGarden, level 45 master theurgist
Jacob MoonStone, Level 6 apprentice sorcerer
Jason Ice, level 2 Novie thurmaturge
Jason DeathWraith, level 10 Initiate Necromancer
Jacob Firestone, Level 6 apprentice pyromancer
Chase MythStaff, level 7 apprentice Conjurer


Jun 19, 2009
Can an Admin please reply?

So, how about it, KI? When are we gonna see that seventh character slot that everyone here wants so badly? Can we open our Character Selection Screen some time after a new update and see this, please? :-) :D

Jul 06, 2009
Guys, I know it would be cool to have another wizard, but think of it from KI's perspective. If every account was allowed one more wizard, that would be 2 million new slots. Now, think of all of the data each wizard has stored: clothing, pet, level, crowns, gold, power pip percent, cards available, decks, marked places, quests, etc. It is a tremendous amount of data.

It seems so easy to say, "but I just want one more wizard!" until you think of the massive amount of work and data you're asking for. They'd need several more servers just to handle all of that, I'd bet.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
You can have more than six over the life of the account...but at any one time you can only have six. What does this mean...graduate...and open a slot for a new student. I have graduated (also read retired, deceased, or deleted) many characters. It isn't hard to replace, and once you get the hang of things, you'll find your new baby student is battling Oni in a fortnight :)

May 28, 2009
Programmaticly you are correct, however; as a programmer these are the things we have to think about BEFORE we create a system that has 7 possible options and only allows the user the ability to choose 6. From all that I have been able to gather from this site and Wizard101Central there have always been 7 schools (Correct me if I'm wrong). So why then are there only 6 seats. As ImBlueAngel points out there ARE seven fully visible seat on the screen AND as RoloX2 and I have already mentioned there are seven "spots" if you don't count that seat so the reason for 6 is not a "That many seats won't fit in the amount of space" issue. KI has seemingly done very well handling the amount of data for their 2 million+ accounts that can have 6 slots each. Of course, what you failed to mention is that not every account will create a seventh wizard and the great majority won't. So, it is not really 2 million new data. And if you know ANYTHING about datum you know that 2 million records is a drop in the bucket. If KI suddenly has problems with less than two million new records normalized down to their lowest possible size then I seriously doubt they will last much longer. But that is not the case, is it? No. They are doing great, their servers are handling traffic nicely and graphically there are already two options for "Slots" ready and available. KI, please don't let AlecVolterra be right about having to have two accounts to have more that 6 wizards. IMO, One account should be able experience one whole game and that would include all 7 schools. Thanks!

Jan 27, 2009
Today there are seven schools, tommorrow there could be eight, nine or more, so the six versus current seven loses most of it's meaning. Six characters per account does otherwise seem fair.

Anyway, should KI decide to allow seven per account, I will expect them allow me to merge my second account into the first so I can save one subscription fee I'm paying now each month.

Jul 06, 2009
I agree that not all 2 mill users will create 7 wizards. Quite a few thousand (hundred thousands?) won't create more than 4. However, KI needs to have the capacity to handle 14 million current wizards, with growth of new accounts.

14 million pieces of data are not a lot with such a large program, however, as I pointed out, it is not just 2 million new pieces of data. Each wizard has a lot of data stored with it. My earlier list was only a small fraction of all of the data stored about each wizard. Here are some more:

Friends, ignored friends, chat logs, houses, items in houses, banks, items in banks/shared banks/backpacks/attics, etc.

I would be interested to see an estimate of how much data is stored about each wizard.

As for there originally should have been 7 slots, I agree. However, if you think about it, there are really a large number of combinations of wizard's first and second schools (7 x 6 = 42, if you count third schools, 7x 6 x5 = 210). Obviously, we can't all have a Fire/Ice, Ice/Fire, Fire/Storm, Storm/Fire, etc. wizard.

At this point, it would be cost prohibitive to add a seventh slot. I would expect KI would ask us to pay more for such an addition. Perhaps a better option would be a premium account and has extra slots, maybe 10, for which you pay a higher subscription rate.

Dec 11, 2008
AlecVolterra wrote:
SyphaN wrote:
iceshard316 wrote:
you are write there should be room to be each school without deleting a player :(
p.s. i'm anthonyfrostcloud level 20 ice wizard.

Look a little harder way in the back of your charactor screen up in the far back top row, on the left and on the right are 2 more seats!
You can make up to 8 toons. But it might be that just subscription/crown players get these extra seats? although they are a bit hard to see.

funny, nopr only 6 maybe 8 for the admin. and not toons, wizards, toons is from toontown

Acutally toons is the gamer speak for characters

May 17, 2009
Why can't there be seven characters? I mean there is six chairs. Six wizards can sit down while the other one stands. I am sad that I can't make a fire person. Just because you can't make seven wizards. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

May 17, 2009
DarthNexus wrote:
i had 2 characters one grandmaster ice and the other a lv30 storm and decided to make a character for every school but when i got down to my seventh and final one it didnt let me create it.
So i was wondering why is there 7 schools of magic and only a 6 character limit, i think its a little unfair that we cant play and expreince all 7 schools of magic without deleting one of other wizards

ICE: michael moonwraith level 50
STORM: michael moonwraith level 30
LIFE: michael lifewraith level 6
DEATH: michael deathwraith level 2
MYTH: michael mythwraith level 2
BALANCE: michael dragonwraith level 6
FIRE: *no room*

That's what happened to me too!

May 31, 2009
this seems like a simple thing to provide, it has to be easier than new worlds, mounts, or changing graphics. completly destorying a character because there is no room for one from each school is heartbreaking.

Jun 20, 2009
Ha! Wait until three new schools come out in an expansion or something. Then not even 8 would be enough!

But I fully support the prospect of more wizard slots. And since I'm a paying member I think it's ok to be selfish

Coming from several other MMORPGs I know between 8 and 10 slots was pretty normal once the game got a good player base (WoW, CoH/V, etc.) and at the rate W101 is going I wouldn't be surprised to see another couple slots become available.

Then if/when there is an expansion *crosses fingers* they can throw on more slots to accomodate the inevitable new wizard flood.

Right, KI? *wink, wink*

Morgrim SoulForge
Morgrim HexForge

Mar 18, 2009
Resurrecting an old thread here, but hopefully someone from KI could answer this.

Is there a technical reason for limiting to 6 slots (code, etc)?

I have 6, the lowest is level 15. I would really like to have a seventh character and be able to play through all the quests and schools. Maybe even more when Celestia comes out.

Oran Dawnshade - 50 Balance
Gabriel Dawnshade - 50 Death
Valdus Dawnshade - 49 Storm
Connor Dawnshade - 35 Fire
Ian Dawnshade - 25 Ice
Chase Dawnshade - 15 Life
--- Want Myth here! ---

What would really turn me off the game altogether would be to be forced to re-roll a character to play Myth. Or to be able to use the new schools when Celestia comes out.