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Which wizard should I delete?

Feb 24, 2009
I want to make room for a death wizard, but I don't want to buy a second account.

I have:
Level 90 Pyromancer: Nicholas Rubyshard
Level 88 Diviner: Hunter Hunter
Level 41 (And increasing) Theurgist: James JadeGem
Level 28 Sorcerer: Nicholas SandSlinger
Level 9 Conjurer: Talon Talon
Level 2 Thaumaturge: Aaron StarSong

I am not sure... I am probably gonna delete my Conjurer, cause I don't like his name. That or my balance.
I need your guys advice: What should I name the wizard? I am thinking Paul MistSong or something along those lines.

Nov 24, 2012
well don't delete your high level ones... i would say either delete the ice, or level up the ice higher then the myth and delete myth because ice has the best advantage because it has lot of health and while you have weak attacks, your 2nd school can be storm. So i say delete myth. Level 17 thaumaturge, (journeyman) Sabrina Icepetal