I'm a fan of Myth, Balance, and Storm spells. I currently have a level 11 storm wizard, but I often get upset at my low HP and frequent fizzling. I have used a gift card, so I have the storm helephant on this character. Would it be worth it to start a new wizard? I absolutely love the animation for the later myth and balance spells (Basilisk, Ra, Medusa, Chimera, etc.) But I can't stand most of the storms (Siren, Storm Lord, Kraken, etc.) Any advice? Also, I like being individual and the large amount of Diviners bothers me...
Each school has it's differences, I started several wizards after my original one capped and went with Death as my next to take though the game, by level 20 or so I have a feel for the school. I did manage to work a storm all the way but was a frustrating time, once I got less fizzle rate it got better, then I did a Myth which seemed slow to get power on but once I did it surprised me. I am currently deciding which school to advance next with ice being my highest level. I got frustrated with balance and deleted that and a fire wizard but have since started new to give it a fair shake.
Not every school fits everyone's game play though, experiment with other schools, I wish we had 7 slots rather then 6 for new wizards.
Since I have played though most all of the game on my first wizard I play mainly now for the challenge of raising a wizard, no matter what school, to the best it can be.
Sounds like to me you have already made up your mind to start your new character.
Trust me when I say this, if you are not going to be happy with storm in general, you definitely should not be playing storm.
I have a Myth character, and now half way to level 79. Myth is just a step up from fire. Fairly low accuracy, and the damage is ... well, it is all over the place. Myth has DoTs (Basilisk, level 68 Frog) multi-hit spells like Minotaur and Orthrus, and low damage utility spells, like Medusa.
Think about it for a little bit. Would you want a Myth wizard? Myth wizard has a wide variety of attacks, and quite a few attacks that have below average (Myth average) damage in exchange for other effects. Myth has a few attack-all spells, the main one being a frog, and a low damage one for 6 pips with a special effect, and the one from the level 68 pet, which ends up being a DoT.
I do not see a whole lot of Myth wizards at all in this game. It is arguably one of the least popular schools.
If there is anything about that you think you may not like, then I suggest you think about Balance.
Balance has no 70/80% shield to protect from Balance attacks. Balance can take advantage of the elemental schools with Hydra and Spectral Blast (Storm, Fire, Ice) and later on gets to take advantage of the Spiritual attacks with Chimera (Myth, Death, and Life). Balance has one of the most attack-all spells of all, starting with Sandstorm, then moving on with Power Nova/Super Nova, and Ra. Balance has straight forward damage, one of the most powerful single target spells in the game (when charged) and can shield themselves from 3 schools at once without having to train in Ice's Tower shield. Balance at later levels also gets some utility spells, one that even takes away another player's pips!
There seem to be quite a few more Balance wizards out there than Myth. Balance to me seems like a very popular class, but there do not seem to be as many Balance wizards as Storm wizards.
After having read your post, I would probably say you may like Balance the best. But do not continue your storm wizard if you are not already happy with it.
(P.S.) This was not written with PvP in mind. If you like to do PvP, you may like all the special little effects that Myth can play with.
the three schools you like are all good ones, but if you want the most fun in the game, pick a school you know nothing about. I prefer Death, because it has attack and heals, but you can choose whatever you want.
Well, where I go, storm is definitely not as popular as it used to be. Probably 4th or 5th most common school, if you are looking for individuality. Fire, ice, life, death, and myth are all becoming more common. You said yourself that you get upset at the frequent fizzling and low health. The low health only gets worse as the game goes on, and you also said you can't stand the new spells... so just don't make a storm?
I say make a myth or balance, then. They are both just really good. If you can't decide, take the quiz and see whether you get peridot or citrine? :)
Myth was my first school. It is not easy, but can be powerful if used properly. And the accuracy can be built up with the proper gear.
I have never made it very far with Storm, and won't bother to create another Storm wizard. That's just me.
I am also not a big fan of Balance because you have no prism for a Balance v Balance duel. Yes, you have the option of your secondary school spells, but shouldn't have to.
I LOVE Ice and Death. Both are the easiest for me. Ice takes a bit longer in duels, but used properly can also be extremely powerful. That's what traps, blades, elemental traps, elemental blades and so on are for. :) Anyone who says Ice is weak has never played the school correctly. Death is also extremely powerful, and you have the benefit of getting life back from about 1/2 their spells. Plus Death v Death is pretty easy with your prism since Death bosses/mobs never use a shield. :)
I like fire beacuse it has a lot of spells that hit all the enemies, and more than one over-time spell, but there are a lot of fire wizards, so if you want to be individual i would pick something else.
If you have a Storm wizard and are frustrated with the accuracy, I suggest new gear. Right now my Diviner has my heart and at level 55, a very high chance of not fizzling. If you want a new school though, I recommend Balance.
Next to Storm, Balance is my favorite school. But, be prepared. You have to time things just right, put Weakness on when needed and to put up a tri-shield when needed. It's hard to master, but when you do master it, the power you have is radiant.