When You Start your Journey into the World of Wizard101 You Will think to yourself. Which School Should I choose, Ice For Defence, Life for Healing, Death for stealing life, Myth for Summoning Minions to Aid you in battle, Fire for a In Between State, Storm for Damage, or Balance, For, well, A Balance Between all the schools. The Good And Bads of Each School
Good: Extreme Defence like Tower Sheilds and Ice Absorb, Can help you in PVE and PVP.
Bad: Low Damage. Only a Little less but still, it can decide the winner for you.
Good: Healing! You always want a good Heal every now and then. Also Accuracy Is high!
Bad: No Multi-hit Spells! Actually You only get a couple damage spells overall. Also The Level 48 Pet does a Healing Move which is sort of pointless due to all the other ones!
Good: You Can Steal there health! Why not! Also high Percentage Traps for All classes
Bad: No Multi Hit Spells Besides Scarecrow and Feint puts a trap on You too! But other that that Death is pretty awesome
Good: Summon Minions to Aid you in battle!
Bad: Minions will use your traps and hit at unnecessary times
Good: Normal Accuracy, Strength and sheilds!
Nothing Really Bad!
Storm: Good: Extreme Damage, Cool level 48 Pet ( hehe) and a great Class to Solo With!
Bad: Low Accuracy which can chip down health if You fizzle, Spells Like Wild Bolt wont help you!
Good: Judgement is Epic! Nice Multi Hits and Accuracy, Great Buffs and Traps and Secondary Class is good no matter what!
Bad Your Blades and Traps can be used by anything!
Secondary Class Hard Choice. This is what You can do. Think of the greatest power of your class. Ice for instance, Has Great defence! So Pair it up with something with a bad defence! You Can put it all together for the win and Strike After you've toke a few blows and built your pips
Ugh! I cant Chose a Secondary, What Should I do?
Easy! If you feel the need to, You can choose NOT to have a secondary Class. But seriously they help. Death doesnt have a Multi-hit Until level 48, so choose something like Myth, Fire, or Ice for Multi Hits!
My Secondary Isnt Woking and It is Killing Me
Then Dont use it in your deck or even go to Golem Court and use crowns to return all training points to choose a new school.
So What Are you gonna choose? Reply Here It is Your Choice to Choose
When You Start your Journey into the World of Wizard101 You Will think to yourself. Which School Should I choose, Ice For Defence, Life for Healing, Death for stealing life, Myth for Summoning Minions to Aid you in battle, Fire for a In Between State, Storm for Damage, or Balance, For, well, A Balance Between all the schools. The Good And Bads of Each School
Good: Extreme Defence like Tower Sheilds and Ice Absorb, Can help you in PVE and PVP.
Bad: Low Damage. Only a Little less but still, it can decide the winner for you.
Good: Healing! You always want a good Heal every now and then. Also Accuracy Is high!
Bad: No Multi-hit Spells! Actually You only get a couple damage spells overall. Also The Level 48 Pet does a Healing Move which is sort of pointless due to all the other ones!
Good: You Can Steal there health! Why not! Also high Percentage Traps for All classes
Bad: No Multi Hit Spells Besides Scarecrow and Feint puts a trap on You too! But other that that Death is pretty awesome
Good: Summon Minions to Aid you in battle!
Bad: Minions will use your traps and hit at unnecessary times
Good: Normal Accuracy, Strength and sheilds!
Nothing Really Bad!
Storm: Good: Extreme Damage, Cool level 48 Pet ( hehe) and a great Class to Solo With!
Bad: Low Accuracy which can chip down health if You fizzle, Spells Like Wild Bolt wont help you!
Good: Judgement is Epic! Nice Multi Hits and Accuracy, Great Buffs and Traps and Secondary Class is good no matter what!
Bad Your Blades and Traps can be used by anything!
Secondary Class Hard Choice. This is what You can do. Think of the greatest power of your class. Ice for instance, Has Great defence! So Pair it up with something with a bad defence! You Can put it all together for the win and Strike After you've toke a few blows and built your pips
Ugh! I cant Chose a Secondary, What Should I do?
Easy! If you feel the need to, You can choose NOT to have a secondary Class. But seriously they help. Death doesnt have a Multi-hit Until level 48, so choose something like Myth, Fire, or Ice for Multi Hits!
My Secondary Isnt Woking and It is Killing Me
Then Dont use it in your deck or even go to Golem Court and use crowns to return all training points to choose a new school.
So What Are you gonna choose? Reply Here It is Your Choice to Choose
Yours Truly, Edward Night
There's no such thing as a best school. The question is what school is the best to fit the playing style of a specific individual.
It really depends if you're looking on damage, accuacy, pip cost, and survival. LI fe is probably the best to choose in the category of survival. Though death can be put in both the categories of damage and survival. The accuracy group contains of death, myth, and life. The pip cost group is balanced betwenn the schools who have the most X pip cost cards. Either way, you get the point. Looking at all of the schools, you really can't say witch one is the best(though I prefer life).