done ever school but these two and I wanna do one that's best in the long run. Which one would you guys say is stronger in the later parts of the game?
Re: Which school is better for late game ice or myth?
fluffles2 on Nov 23, 2022 wrote:
ice methinks
Agreed, Ice.
While Myth might have a higher DPP, Ice has incredible resist, especially toward late game. Add in Ice's own version of Tempest at later levels, and the fact that they're the class that has the most health in the game - and Ice edges everyone out. You might be able to hit harder with the other school's spells, but at the end of the day, the Ice wizard's going to still be alive.
Most people dismiss Ice as a viable school because they don't hit as hard in Arc 1 as the other schools do, but I'm level 52 on my newest Ice, and I've died one time. Once. That's as a solo PvEer, and that's with me unlocking the first part of WIntertusk on this character (which happened at level 47, solo PVE, something I couldn't have ever done on my other characters). And that one death was just because I wasn't paying attention.
Having played the other classes to a pretty high level at this point - I can honestly say I'm having the easiest time on my Ice, the fights are just longer, that's all. And I actually get to make use of my traps for once, which is rather nice too.