This is really just a random funny post, but i have seen spell animations that last for a long time. What school in your opinion has the longest spell animations, and why do you think so? Mine is death because of frankie and skeletal dragon. :P
I think each school has at least one spell that has long animations.
Life: Forest Lord
Death: Von Katz Monster or as what most people affectionately call Frankie.
Storm: Sirens. everytime i see this spell i think "Ok ladies, quit singing and start hitting"
Fire: The one school I think has the shortest animations. I think the longest animation for this school is fire elf.
Balance: Ra. I think he just wants to show off his abs.
Ice: Would have to say Ice colossus. Does he really have to stomp and shout that much?
and finally Myth: I love the myth spells even though I think they have the LONGEST animations of all. The one i feel is the longest is Orthrus. Come on now puppy, stop barking and start biting.
Hannah Lifebringer Level 90 Life Hannah Legendstalker Level 90 Myth
Balance I believe it is and I say the spell would have to be Ra it just seems way to long just to even take damage because firsts he walk out then puts the staff down and leans by it (what's with that part?) and holds the thing up to the sun and by then attest a minute of the battle is just gone I know he does some what good damage but in a 4v4 match I've had this happen and some one casts ra and it literally at lest takes three minutes it seems to even finish I apologize but speed it up and cut out some parts any one else notice that about balance (I think) spell ra????
The really long spells make me laugh because while they are taking so long to play-out can't I set-up a couple tower shields, or hide behind a rock or tree? At least maybe dodge whatever the bad thing is coming at me?
They do give me enough time to get a bowl of chips or refill my drink.