I have a level 80 fire wizard that has seen every single level 48 pet, (helephant, satyr, stormzilla, orthrus etc) and i cant pick witch one i like the most, just because i like them all . Which is your favorite level 48 pet? (Only pets you get with your level 48 spells, orthrus, storm lord, fire dragon, rebirth, frost giant, power nova and scarecrow) i also cant wait to get my death wizard his wraith pet
-Ryan Soulblade, Archmage Pyromancer lvl 82, Blaze Raventhief, Master Necromancer, lvl 42 (love my new wraith spell )
I have a level 80 fire wizard that has seen every single level 48 pet, (helephant, satyr, stormzilla, orthrus etc) and i cant pick witch one i like the most, just because i like them all . Which is your favorite level 48 pet? (Only pets you get with your level 48 spells, orthrus, storm lord, fire dragon, rebirth, frost giant, power nova and scarecrow) i also cant wait to get my death wizard his wraith pet
-Ryan Soulblade, Archmage Pyromancer lvl 82, Blaze Raventhief, Master Necromancer, lvl 42 (love my new wraith spell )
Out of the three I've gotten I'd say the Wraith pet first, Orthrus second and Frost Colossus third.