So I want to farm spirit of ignorance because I like the purple fairy wings and would like a permanent version, but I don't have many keys where can I get the different versions of keys?
You can get the keys from fighting various bosses. There is a full list if you look up wooden skeleton keys (the key required to get to Spirit of Ignorance) on the wiki. But some of the creatures that drop wooden keys include Bastilla Gravewynd, Death Oni, General Akilles, Jade Oni, Kraken, Lord Nightshade, Plague Oni, Roberto, the Spirit of Ignorance drops them as well, War Oni, and so on. You might have to farm to get the key with some of these creatures.
Also if skeleton keys drop in an area, a skeletion key icon will show up next to the port to common and house button on your MAP section of your spell book.