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Where do you find the level 68 clothes?

Dec 21, 2008
Where do you find the level 68 clothes?

Caroline Sunbright level 70 life

May 20, 2010
May 01, 2010
Mirror lake, and the transcended ring/athame come from assorted bosses (along with Mirror Lake of course).

Jul 03, 2010
Gear seems to be a sore spot with the new level cap and world. Personally I have had to make do with level 60 type gear to complete Zafaria. For my Life and now Death wizards I crafted the Wintertusk helmet, used the WaterWorks robe, on my Life I did not get this till finally just before the Mirror Lake quest so made it though with level 58 gear till then and boots purchased at the Bazaar to get some what stats that seem to make fighting not so difficult, I paint everything to match so I don't look to much like a misfit. I ran my Life wizard though when the world first came out, help was easy to find and most fights you had to do in groups do to very crowded areas making soloing almost impossible. With my Death wizard I am now finding the crowd to be thinning out, I have soloed more areas, for some reason I am having more of a problem of lower level players who have ported in to someone there and then randomly joining my fights after I have started them and being of no help at all accept to drag more monsters in so I end up fleeing to start over again.

Next to decide on will be my storm wizard, frankly I am quite tired of running though WaterWorks many many times so may just craft the out fit for her and see how it goes.

Mar 18, 2009
Rihanna12 wrote:
Where do you find the level 68 clothes?

Caroline Sunbright level 70 life

Mirror Lake and Elephant Graveyard.

Oct 18, 2010
I am finding it difficult to craft some of the clothing with a level transcended character. Trying to locate some of the required items is very difficult. Where do you get a Drum from?
I would have to agree with you on the issue of lowert level wizards popping in while fighting. I wish they had an option box pop up asking if we would allow them to join in the fight. I get frustrated with this issue. I am going to write the support team to see if this idea could be integrated into the game. I hope that they consider it.

Jul 03, 2010
GreyEyes66 wrote:
I am finding it difficult to craft some of the clothing with a level transcended character. Trying to locate some of the required items is very difficult. Where do you get a Drum from?
I would have to agree with you on the issue of lower level wizards popping in while fighting. I wish they had an option box pop up asking if we would allow them to join in the fight. I get frustrated with this issue. I am going to write the support team to see if this idea could be integrated into the game. I hope that they consider it.

I ended up searching wizard101central.com for hints on some of the items needed for the crafting of my helmets, such as I needed Centaur treasure cards, turns out I could buy the recipe from Blossom and make them.

My crafting wizard is my Life wizard because she has amassed the most amount of stuff over the past 2 years, she also has done all the crafting quests in the game and a few side ones so is the level needed to do them and has all the tables, then I just put them in the shared bank and pick them up with the wizard that will use them.

Apr 29, 2009
To GreyEyes 66:
If you're talking about the Congo Drum you need to make a pair of Spirit Drums and to get the Legendary Artisan badge then that is located in Celestia's Base Camp with Gearwise selling the recipe for that. You'll hate the amount of reagents needed for that alone.