I just want your Opinion on what you think the Best pet is Cause I think The Dragon the Unicorn and The Firecat . But I just want you opinion but also can you help me find where you can post your stories cause I have a Story I want to Post.
The Defender pig is the best pet in the game it gives alot of resistance to all schools of magic and can make you unbeatable in pvp "expecially if you are ice" I wish you could still get it.
i like heckhounds, helephants, dragons, fairies, and dark sprites :P dragon named buddy i think heckhound whose name i dont know helephant named sir leo dark sprie named lord katie
I just want your Opinion on what you think the Best pet is Cause I think The Dragon the Unicorn and The Firecat . But I just want you opinion but also can you help me find where you can post your stories cause I have a Story I want to Post.
Ninja pigs by far!!! oh, and the jade oni and treant, the treant is the natures wrath move, while the jade oni is a green helephant
Yea Either the Death hound or The Heck Hound as long as their hounds I think their awsome or the Unicorn or The firecat But the Hounds are the best of all
Been using my Pioneer Dragon, King Fluffy, since beta :3 A free Balanceblade spell still works pretty well for me. Plus, the only dragon with stars on his scales xD That's pretty cool
Hi, even though I've been pet hunting and got a few from gift cards or bought by crowns...my fave has still got to be the slobbering face of the bloodbat
your schools lvl 48 pet (exept for life it gives a satyr but thats just my opinion) because they give you your schools lvl 42 spell exept for myth and life. life gives a satyr and myth gives the lvl 48 spell. and they all give a +5% power pip chance
Get the $20 gift card from Best Buy store. Not only can you use it to redeem 10,000 crowns or a 2 month full/all-access subscription, but you will receive the "Firezilla" pet (providing you get this card within the month of April). The Firezilla pet gives you 5% resist all (5% resist all spells), and the Firezilla card, which, at 4 pip requirement can deal out up to a whopping 700+ damage (more or less depending on if you have any blades or traps set, or if enemy has any shields etc. on).
If you have the Ascendent Staff or Phosphorescent Maul, you get an extra pip (staff) or power pip (maul) so at the right power pip percentage and setup, you might even be able to use this card on the first round. For example, I have the Maul, which gives me a power pip, and a 25% power pip chance, so often I get 2 power pips (4 regular pips) at the very start of a battle.