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What's the best death strategy?

Mar 21, 2017
I'm lvl 64 and I feel been kinda lackin on the damage aspect of the death school. I would like to be enlightened with a good damage build.

Dec 10, 2009
Here are a few things I would suggest:

1) Get the Water Works (WW) gear to help build up your damage (there are other areas that can be farmed for gear if you so choose).

2) Build a damage pet. You can go to the kiosk to find the pets that best suits your play style.

3) Focus more on damage spells that does life steal because it is the best way to heal. On my death, I rarely use attacks that only use damage. When I run into mobs and bosses that shield a lot, I use Deer Knight (DK). If you don't have DK, then use Poison (Bone Dragon can work too, but it costs more pips). As your armor piercing and critical increases, the less you will need to use these damage over time (dot) spells.

I hope these suggestions help you. Good luck to you.

Jan 18, 2010
In addition to the suggestions mentioned above,

Try using one of the wands providing damage; particularly to death from one of the following packs:

Road Warrior's Pack
Immortal Lore Pack

The Professor or Wysteria shoes from the Professor Hoard or Wysteria Lore Pack respectively also aids in damage greatly.

Also, the House of Scales Gear specialises in offense more so than the WW gear if damage is also what you are looking for.