This has been on my mind for a long time- what way do you play?
Personally I complete every quest in a world, then move onto the next. I like completing everything because it fills you with a sense of victory; happy that you can move on without anything left to sweep up.
Some people only do storyline quests and you meet a level 20 in Dragonspyre. I don't see this too often but its definetly a thing in wizard101.
Do you do some side quests? I found this a little strange; why complete half? This could be used to level a character just right - not overleveled or underleveled.
Do you pvp? Pvp can be fun if you know what you're doing and have strategies, but can be confusing and even hard if you just wanted to do it for fun. I tried it once and found out that it is a complex part of the game.
Do you hang around? I see a lot of people hanging around the commons with their friends and chat. The top rated housing tours are also a common place to see people.
I would love to know how you played, and maybe you do a bit of everything
That's a bit of an exaggeration. Skipping all side quests gets you to Dragonspyre in your mid 30's. The 20 somethings are just there to farm Loremaster. As for doing all sides, I did that on my first wizard and found it a waste. Even skipping all sides except training points and spell quests, you end up max level well before reaching the end of the latest world. This has been true since from Celestia onward. I like doing a little of everything. If I get bored I'll just move to something else. There's always something to farm for, fish I haven't caught, pets to train/hatch/farm for, spells I haven't gotten from Loremaster yet...
I like to side quest if it doesn't take me 3 hours to complete it, also, back when I was in wizard city, I side quested a lot and the quest in krok allowed me to be level 30 in krok. XD so I like side questing sometimes. if it gives a good chunk of xp for completing it, ill do it
when I need a break from fighting, I either port to some friends and hang out and chat or go to my house and do some decorating.
I pick up and do all quests so that a) when I'm walking around I don't see NPC's with above their heads, b) when I'm walking around I don't see NPC's with above their heads, and c) to keep my quest log clean.
Lately all I've had time to do is Daily Assignments and some pet training, gardening, or fishing. There's so much I still need to get done as far as questing goes, but so many of my wizards are in Khrysalis, and that world just drags me down. I've been using these other activities as distractions for the better part of a year now.
One of these days I'll get back to questing again. But I've got too many other things going on in real life at the present time, I just don't want to deal with the stress of questing in Khrysalis right now. I'm just focusing on things that are quick, easy, and/or fun to do to try and get me in the right frame of mind to deal with everything else.
This has been on my mind for a long time- what way do you play?
Personally I complete every quest in a world, then move onto the next. I like completing everything because it fills you with a sense of victory; happy that you can move on without anything left to sweep up.
Some people only do storyline quests and you meet a level 20 in Dragonspyre. I don't see this too often but its definetly a thing in wizard101.
Do you do some side quests? I found this a little strange; why complete half? This could be used to level a character just right - not overleveled or underleveled.
Do you pvp? Pvp can be fun if you know what you're doing and have strategies, but can be confusing and even hard if you just wanted to do it for fun. I tried it once and found out that it is a complex part of the game.
Do you hang around? I see a lot of people hanging around the commons with their friends and chat. The top rated housing tours are also a common place to see people.
I would love to know how you played, and maybe you do a bit of everything
In the first arc, I occasionally do side quests and also participate in the optional side dungeons that give exp. I also do Wysteria and Grizzleheim, so I can make sure I'm not under-leveled and falling behind.
I later decided to complete all the side quests on my Storm after he was 110.
Whenever the level cap increases, I end up farming for the best gear possible with the intention to do PVP. However, what I usually do is fight a couple of my friends at my houses, and that's pretty much it lol. PVP isn't very balanced at the moment, so it's difficult if you are Storm, Myth, or Death.
At the moment, most of what i do is hang around. I pretty much already have everything I need to make my characters as strong as they can be, so I'm just chatting with friends waiting for Mirage to come out. We occasionally do our favorite dungeons, like Tartarus and Xibalba together to pass the time though :P
I do some side quests, not very much though lol. I don't think it's possible to be level 20 in Dragonspyre, my Fire wiz just found the Order of the Fang and he's level 15 .
I skip around. I get bored, well not BORED as much as, maxed out nerves wise or stimulus wise. I like a fresh pace and a fresh change of scenery! So I accept ALL quests, and if I get stuck in a rut in one world, or quest, or it's too hard at the moment, then I go somewhere else. It is that simple.
Kind of like changing channels on a Tv station. DVR means you can skip ahead, go back, watch some of this, and some of that, if you want to. It's entertainment, not school. It's not a job. I'm paying so I will play the way I feel is the most entertaining for me (that sounds defensive but it's not meant that way. But some out there I've run into in the gaming world, do believe it's all utterly serious and there's only one way to play.)
The graphics and music can also begin to wear. So I might change from a dank or dark corridor to a place with green grass, trees and sunshine. You get the picture. :)
I haven't done PVP yet and I don't really want to. I have read here about the 'trash talking' and I hate that.
I focus on doing all side quests along with the storyline and help others in battle when needed. I don't usually farm unless I need something and never pvp; they're not my thing. I go solo and rarely ask for help. This game is always fun to me no matter what I do. However I do get bored from fighting the same creatures over and over in a day's play. So I take a break by doing Dungeon Gauntlets with others or hang out in the commons for a few good laughs; listening to silly talk. lol.
Like the original poster I like to do every quest in a world before I move on to the next one. In fact I'm on my seventh wizard (2nd account) doing so. I think my main reason for doing this is that I tend to be a solitary player mainly.
I have never done more than the pvp quests and to be perfectly honest I have never even entertained the idea of taking part in any pvp activity. It just doesn't interest me.
I complete the storyline quests, plus the spell quests and training point quests. Other sidequests might be completed if I happen to fulfill their objectives.
I only do main quests, no pvp and no side quests whats so ever, except for new spells. Sure you do get your spells later on in game but all I really know os that you will finish the game way before the storyline ends because I was tempted to so some other side quests cause of worrying that Iwont reach prodigious. However my storm finished wellbefore the storyline did with only storyline and side quests for spells
I'm an obsessive completionist, but I try to be strategic about what quests I complete when. When I went to do Polaris though, I decided to just do the main quests. That way, I can save the experience from Polaris side quests to help me be a bit higher level by the time I get to Mirage. Either way, thanks for the quest finder KI!!! Helps so much :D
Personally I am all about all the quests (Main Line and side line) this way I get the full experience and advance to higher level at times in lower areas. While the latter is a problem, it is also a benefit for some dungeon areas that would need help unless you are higher.
Personally, I think if balanced correctly and with a general understanding of the game you could make better as you get further in the game by having done the side quests. You never know what you might get as a reward.
I'm mainly a solo player and so all quests for the first arc then after I mainly do main quests. And when I come to dungeons I work with other people. Sometimes I tag along with someone who is doing the same quests as me :) Happy Questing
Main quests, training point quests, and spell quests only. I'm afraid I don't possess the patience to go side questing much. No pvp; the community there can be toxic and rude and I simply do not wish to deal with it, even with chat bubbles off. Don't really hang out much in populated areas either 'cause I'm always doing something; whether it be gardening, pet training, questing, buying and selling things, or organizing my spell deck.
However, the way I've been playing recently is challenging myself to use the Moon school as my main type of attack. It's been going quite well, actually.
Just declined my first quest. After doing "The Policeman's Ball" on a few wizards, and failing to see the point, and having to open a dungeon repeatedly when it could've been structured to only go in there once, I shook my head no this time.