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What to do...?

Jun 30, 2009
Everyone, as time progresses, my thoughts race as i view the problems Wizard101 has been facing in the past few months, and i am trying to contemplate their reasons. For a long time, i've played Wizard101 with a smile on my face. I love this game, and i always will. However, i must quit the game soon, and that is my decision.

The problems that are taking place have not been at ease, chain stunning still exists, low levels are in high level areas, and people are simply unhappy. I cannot bear to see a good game in this state, so i must depart... for now at the least. I cannot stand looking at these problems, and i hope that upon my return i find this game at peace, where nothing will go wrong.

I fail to see why this has happened, and why these things have been going on. I know you may want to say something nasty to me for posting this, however, i must state that i cannot stand the game any longer, it is hurting me to see it in such a state. Furthermore, i may return to see the progression of celestia... that is if it isn't an utter disappointment to which me and my friends predict. Who knows, maybe these common issues will be healed, however, my thoughts don't agree. And so, i will wait until the time is right, and leave the game. As my final words, i enjoyed this game tremendously, and will miss it. But i may return!

May 20, 2010
Jun 07, 2010
MSS11 wrote:
Everyone, as time progresses, my thoughts race as i view the problems Wizard101 has been facing in the past few months, and i am trying to contemplate their reasons. For a long time, i've played Wizard101 with a smile on my face. I love this game, and i always will. However, i must quit the game soon, and that is my decision.

The problems that are taking place have not been at ease, chain stunning still exists, low levels are in high level areas, and people are simply unhappy. I cannot bear to see a good game in this state, so i must depart... for now at the least. I cannot stand looking at these problems, and i hope that upon my return i find this game at peace, where nothing will go wrong.

I fail to see why this has happened, and why these things have been going on. I know you may want to say something nasty to me for posting this, however, i must state that i cannot stand the game any longer, it is hurting me to see it in such a state. Furthermore, i may return to see the progression of celestia... that is if it isn't an utter disappointment to which me and my friends predict. Who knows, maybe these common issues will be healed, however, my thoughts don't agree. And so, i will wait until the time is right, and leave the game. As my final words, i enjoyed this game tremendously, and will miss it. But i may return!

Happy trails, no need to feel down about the game. I am sure there will be others right behind you when you go. I too may be leaving the game also do to simple common problems, with the game that can be fixed, but instead it is ignored. I have not yet seen any improvements on these problems as you stated and many other problems that have been addressed countless times.

Not even any word what so ever from the KI development team saying. "We understand about the problems going on in W101, and we are working hard to improve them, for a better gaming experience to everyone."

Patch updates that we had in the pass does not seem any improvements where made to the game, instead the updates unlocked more problems.

So I see your point on leaving.

Anyways good luck on all of your endeavors

May 02, 2009
You are right in the fact that ki has made a great game, and that there are still problems that exist like chain stunning.

But you have to understand that no game (or no person for that matter) is perfect. Games have problemsm people make mistakes, its a part of life. KI is working as hard as they can to limit the big problems like chain stunning.

The game will never be perfect, no game will. So all we can do is try to help out ki by telling them about some of the biggest problems that the game currently faces.

Celestia will launch in a couple months, and ki is still trying to make celestia a great world to play in.

Before I played in the FusionFall beta test, all I focused on was beating the main storyline of a game. But then as I watched the game and community grow, I learned to slow down and enjoy the game as much as I can (hence why I'm not max level on the game yet).

For wizard101, I try to enjoy the game in different ways like doing role-play with my in-game friends along with a bunch of different things (like the pet derby).

So there's allot of different things to keep yourself entertained with the game, and like I said, no game will ever be perfect, we just have to accept it, learn from our mistakes, and move on and try again.

I hope I helped some.

Apr 01, 2010
chain stunning doesnt exist unless its like a team of myths and you shouldnt your looking at all the bad things

~Kevin Stormblood Grandmaster Diviner
p.s. the username is cause its my sisters account....

Jun 30, 2009
it's very true that they arent perfect, and i can say so myself. However, these problems are being ignored, and i wish kingsisle could have been more activate. And chain stunning does exist BECAUSE of earthquake yet they don't seem to be updating it. I hope to return and see most if not all of these problems mended.

Apr 01, 2010
earthquaake can be used once every 3 rounds if they get power pips so you arent stunned turn after turn like it used to be

Mar 09, 2009
It sounds to me like this entire subject should be moved to the pvp subject.

Rogan Firehammer