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What level to get a bundle

Aug 16, 2016
Hi, I've been thinking about getting a bundle but I saw that the armor is for people with 100+ levels, and I'm only level 20
I honestly only want the house, the mount, etc-
Am I only able to get the stuff if I'm 100+ levels?

Aug 03, 2014
you can purchase a bundle at any time and the various parts of it appear in a gift box available to any wizard on your account to redeem. You can redeem a house on one, the gear on another, the pet on a third etc.

The gear will be appropriate for whatever level your wizard is when you redeem it. Each gear set has multiple sets of stats to fit whatever your wizard's level is so it is worth checking those out online before deciding when to redeem them. If you want them just for appearance the level/stats doesn't really matter but if the stats are important check first

You can choose when to redeem the gear so you can choose to level up a bit more or save them for later. You could decide to redeem the clothes on a level 20 wiz and the wand on a level 80. It's up to you and until you redeem them they will sit in the gift box (left of your screen) perfectly safe and taking up zero inventory space.

I hope this helps, enjoy your bundle!

Oct 28, 2008
Hey there,
No the bundle gear is not exclusive to level 100+ characters. You will see a gift box on the left side of the screen where you can choose a tier of gear (level 10+ gear, level 20+ gear etc.) and make the decision then. You will also find the mount and castle there as well.

Hope this helps!