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What happened to spells?

Jun 10, 2011
Triage and Mass Triage: They use to make a noise and say "Removing Damage Effect" Now it just removes, no coolness what so ever

Cleanse Charm And Pierce and Shatter: No longer has smoke under it making a noise, they just dissapear. No fun to it.

Polymorphs, Transformations: Now if you use something thats classified as a "NAtural Attack" You just go in the middle, no symbol drawn, which means so magic to it. Same with Wizard's wand spells, no longer cast a symbol, just go in the middle. This EXTREMELY defeats the purpose of magic, because you are just going in the middle out of no where.

Please change things (not DoT's OR HoT's, i like the new animation, and the Steal spells and Shift spells) BAck to the magical things they use to be. I dont like the whole 'No Magic' concept

Sep 21, 2011
well you shouldn't say that cause there magical weapons but i know what you mean and just change wands?!?!