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What are the best items to have as you progress throughout the game?

Aug 29, 2009
I'm a returning player from early 2010's. I saw that KI was doing free membership and I decided what the heck, I'll give it a try... long story short, my level 58 death wizard is now level 96 and I'm the proud owner of one month's worth of membership! This is my first playthrough so I'm very excited!

I've tried googling and talking to other players in game, but I haven't really found any cohesive guide for this; at milestones of approximately every 10 levels (level 50, 60, 70, 80, etc) what are the best items to run until the next milestone?

Through detective work, I discovered that I want to keep my waterworks set until I reach Darkmoor, and at level 90 I should farm for Hade's wand and Blade of the felled titan (I got both at 90).

Now at level 100, what items do I want to go for? I think Morganthe's amulet is the next upgrade, and maybe a wand? And obviously hat/robes/boots upgrade. But I'd just like a guide of what to get where to kind of min max my character I guess. I got feedback from people and have a very reliable 11 card deck, and it just feels good to be so efficient and streamlined, so I'm trying to spread that to my entire playstyle.

It probably matters for what is consider the 'best', but I just want to be able to one shot as much as possible. So what items sets give me the most damage as I level up to 140? Does flat % damage increase do more than crit (now that crit has been reworked) Any input appreciated, even for other schools than death, because I'll probably make another wizard at some point!