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Using the word noob and what noobs are

Jul 21, 2009
I just wanted to clear some things up about the word noob. Lots of people use it in the wrong way. Lots of times even though you have all your high level clothing and your legendary, people call you noob because your from a specific school or your at a specific pvp rank. This is completly wrong. Noob is a person that does not know how to use the computer or internet, not someone from a school like fire or a privite in pvp. A noob is usually refered to a low level wizard who doesn't know what they are doing. It is ok if a low level doesn't know what they are doing because they just started the game. In pvp, a noob is someone that doesn't know how to battle right or are very bad at stragity. The thing that ticks me off is when a storm person battles me in pvp and insults me using the word noob. I think to determin how good a person is at stragity, there should be a tower and each level is a cheating boss. Each level the boss gets harder. Its health and cheating capibilities would be based of level in the game and level in the tower. It would be extrealmly difficult and almost imposiable to complete. At the end you could get a badge that says how many levels you passed. It could give the other player a reference besides pvp rank on your battling capabilites. For all you know, each player before you could have fled when facing that person. Then you would not call someone a noob unless the level amounts differ greatly in which case noob would be the correct word choise.

May 03, 2010
I agree COMEPLETELY. I see a lot of people misusing this word. I found that this occurs especially in PvP matches. I have not only spectated, but have participated in matches where a player, probably 15 levels under me, would assume that i am a noob. This is becoming common, but it doesn't matter, since you'll win anyway. I hope this helped!

Matthew SummerLeaf:Level 33 life

Nov 06, 2010

Once called anoob by a level 10 when i was level 20 ( not level 20 anymore ) just because he beat me in PvP because he used a polymorph spell

And i do think it is appropriate to call a person a noob when they are like level 10 fighting in Celestia

Sep 19, 2010
Actually, 'Noob' is a little made-up word gamers use as an insult to feed their own ego over some game stats.
These gamers believe that you're never so tall as when standing on someone else.

Amirite? 8)

May 14, 2009
brytenshynee wrote:
Actually, 'Noob' is a little made-up word gamers use as an insult to feed their own ego over some game stats.
These gamers believe that you're never so tall as when standing on someone else.

Amirite? 8)
the word is used by people sitting behind their computer ,,,they wouldn't use the word in real life..Oh how strong they must feel knowing they are really chickens..sorry this game has taught me 2 words i hate noob and dude...

Jun 09, 2009
newb=new person
noob=person that you want to go away they are so annoying.