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**URGENT NOTICE** Windows 7 support is ENDING!!

May 14, 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, the darkest day Windows 7 users could have ever imagined will soon be upon us.

It has been officially announced that on January 14th, 2020, Microsoft is ending all support for PC's that are running Windows 7.

What does this mean? It's quite simple:


In short: your Windows 7 system will continue to function normally, but without security updates, you will be left more vulnerable to hacking attacks and viruses of all sorts, which could cause you to lose all the information on your PC, including your Wizard101 account!

Also, if anything happens to your PC, Microsoft will no longer be able to provide any kind of support for your system to get it working again.

On top of this, if Wizard101 makes a dramatic change to anything that requires higher-end software to run, your PC may no longer be able to run the game if it's still running Windows 7, because it will no longer be receiving software updates.

If you wish to continue to receive all these things, it is HIGHLY recommended that you make the upgrade to Windows 10 soon. I'm certain Microsoft will have some kind of sale or special offer on it right before they pull the plug on Windows 7.

Just on a more personal note: I can imagine that many of you who use Windows 7, and love the OS itself, are utterly DEVASTATED by this news. I mean, this OS is almost as old as Wizard101 itself ( it became publicly available about a year or so after W101 first launched, in 2009 ), And no doubt it's been the de-facto way people have played this game for YEARS.

And now, like the sun setting on another regular day at the beach, and after 10 years of dominating the the PC market at a time when everyone thought it was impossible to top Windows XP ( especially after the commercial failure of Windows Vista ), it's finally coming to an end.

Well, at the very least, I'm sure we all have some very fond memories of this excellent OS, especially here in Wizard101, and I think before we all make the jump to Windows 10, we should all reflect on some of our fondest memories with Windows 7, and truly remember what a fantastic OS it truly was.

So, post it below: What are some of YOUR favorite memories of Windows 7, whether they be in Wizard101 or elsewhere? Are you upset that it's finally coming to a close? And how do you feel about having to make the jump to Windows 10?

Sep 25, 2016
I didn't know Windows 7 support was ending! Thank you so much for letting all of us know about this!